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Dolphin Behavior Dolphins are playful and gregarious creatures.

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2 Dolphin Behavior Dolphins are playful and gregarious creatures.
Most of the time, males and females live in separate pods. During pregnancy, other females will keep the “mother” company. Live in social groups.

3 APPEARANCE Dolphins may have a fishlike form, but they are NOT fish.
Dolphins have built in grins. They have dorsal fins on top of their bodies.

4 Other Facts………… Dolphins are in many stories for their dolphin/human interactions Prehistoric engravings Aesop’s fables Ancient Greek coins All of these depict dolphins helping humans.

5 Ancient Greek philosopher/scientist Pliny wrote:
“The dolphin is friendly to man and is charmed by music, by harmonious instruments, and particularly by the sound of the hydraulic organ. He does not regard man as a hostile being, but swims forward of ships, leaps playfully around them, runs races with them and no matter how full the sails, always outdistances them.”

6 Habitat They inhabit every ocean on Earth.
Most prefer warmer coastal waters, while some live in cold water or even freshwater rivers.

7 Interesting facts…… Dolphins move tails up and down while fish move their tails from side to side. Their flippers have all the bones of a mammalian arm, wrist, hand, and finger.

8 More facts………. Dolphins can swim up to 20 mph and can leap more than 15ft in the air. They can live years.

9 Eating and dietary habits.
Active predators They eat a variety of squid, fish, and crustaceans like shrimp. Varies by location Coastal: bottom-dwelling fish and crustaceans Offshore: squid and fish

10 Senses…… Acute sense of hearing Acute vision in and out of water
Particularly adapted sight for under water Little is known about taste May not have sense of smell Sensitive to touch around blowhole and eyes and mouth.

11 Credits Google images for pictures

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