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Mac Book Please! WHY I NEED A MACBOOK AIR! Is a MacBook Air Safe? Has a lock screen Pick your own password and username If you type in the wrong password/userna.

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Presentation on theme: "Mac Book Please! WHY I NEED A MACBOOK AIR! Is a MacBook Air Safe? Has a lock screen Pick your own password and username If you type in the wrong password/userna."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mac Book Please! WHY I NEED A MACBOOK AIR!

3 Is a MacBook Air Safe? Has a lock screen Pick your own password and username If you type in the wrong password/userna me it will not go to data

4 What Would I do? Since you are so young, what would you do with a macbook air? I would use Word to write papers for school, use Power Point for presentations, and search the web for information. Possible Objection Answer

5 Am I Responsible? I would plug the computer in when I went to bed and before school Would let my parents know my password and username

6 Second Best on How Long Battery Is!

7 WHY????? You already have a computer, why do you need a new one? My old computer is very slow and old so my parents always have to take it and fix it and sometimes we have to pay to get it fixed, so if I got a new one I wouldn’t have to bug my parents or pay money for it to get fixed. Possible Objection Answer

8 Light weight Only weighs 2.38 pounds Fits in small places so it is easy to travel with

9 These Were Reasons Why I Need a Macbook Air Safety Responsibility Helps with school Charges well Very light Easy to transport Macbook air

10 Citations,r:3,s:0,r:9,s:35

11 BY Emily Myers

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