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 Freshwater inflows from rivers and bayous meet saltwater from the Gulf of Mexico  Fresh + Salt = Brackish water.

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2  Freshwater inflows from rivers and bayous meet saltwater from the Gulf of Mexico  Fresh + Salt = Brackish water



5  List 1:  Dissolved Oxygen  Tides  Wind speed and direction  Salinity  Water depth  List 2:  Brown shrimp  Oysters  Chord grass  Dolphin  Blue crab  Red drum

6  Freshwater inflows from rivers and bayous meet saltwater from the Gulf of Mexico  Fresh + Salt = Brackish water

7  On your map, add shading: more blue near mouth of rivers and bayous,  More yellow at mouth of Bay  Trinity River – 54% inflow  San Jacinto River – 28% inflow  Add these numbers to your map!

8  Tides are caused by the moon.  Two high tides and two low tides each day.  Tides are most dramatic closer to the ocean.  On your map, mark a point where there would be most dramatic tides (TIDES!!!) and least dramatic tides ( tides ) and (no tides)

9  Title: Abiotic Factors in an Estuary  Date: check the board!

10  Important abiotic factors in Galveston Bay  Dissolved Oxygen  Tides  Wind speed and direction  Salinity  Water depth  Nitrates/Phosphates  pH

11  Where would you expect to find these? Add them to your map!  Juvenile blue crab - 0.0 - 0.5 ppt salt  Oysters - 0.5 - 15.0 ppt salt  Lady fish- 25.0 ppt salt  Nurse shark – 35 ppt salt  Ocean 35 ppt


13  All organisms have a limit for each abiotic factors in their habitat. There is an upper and lower limit for how much they can tolerate.

14  Blue water = salty  Colorless = fresh  What happens when they mix?


16  Natural  Human caused

17  Salts occur naturally in soil on the land.  Rainwater picks up salts in runoff.  Rivers bring salts to the ocean.  Evaporation in the ocean removes water, leaving salt behind.  Over millions of years, oceans become salty.

18  1. Which is more dense – salt water or fresh water?  2. What river contributes the greatest amount of fresh water in Galveston Bay?  3. Why couldn’t a juvenile crab live at the mouth of Galveston Bay?  4. List three abiotic factors that affect organisms in an estuary.  5. Why is the ocean salty?

19  Title: Barrier Islands  Date: check the board!




23  One white board  One marker  One playdough


25  Draw what you built.  Include: ◦ Ocean ◦ Bay ◦ Beach ◦ Dune ◦ Swale ◦ Prairie ◦ Wetland ◦ Fresh water ◦ Salt water ◦ Brackish water

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