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Volcanic eruption. Super Sentences - The Process Start with a boring sentence This sentence should be connected to the book/topic you are studying – e.g.

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Presentation on theme: "Volcanic eruption. Super Sentences - The Process Start with a boring sentence This sentence should be connected to the book/topic you are studying – e.g."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volcanic eruption

2 Super Sentences - The Process Start with a boring sentence This sentence should be connected to the book/topic you are studying – e.g. newspapers Look at different ways of changing sentence (match to the different techniques used) Work collaboratively (with a partner) to improve a new sentence Share some of your improved sentences As a class see you can shared write (using a combination of your ideas) to come up with a super sentence

3 Hikers on Mount Ontake were caught out by an eruption. Drop in an embedded clause Adjectival – where, which, who, that Adverbial – because, when, in order to Add some words (adjectives, adverbs) Add a fact Add a direct quote into the sentence

4 Hikers on Mount Ontake were caught out by an eruption. Drop in an embedded clause Adjectival – where, which, who Adverbial – because, when, in order to Add some words (adjectives, adverbs) Add a fact Add a direct quote into the sentence Hikers on Mount Ontake were caught out by an eruption “It was a beautiful day but suddenly thick smoke and ash came pouring down the mountainside,” said one eye witness. Hikers on Mount Ontake, began to trembling with fear as they were caught out by a terrifying and deadly eruption. Hikers on Mount Ontake, which had been dormant for the last few years, were caught out by an eruption. Hikers on Mount Ontake were caught out by an eruption, which killed at least 36 people. Hikers on Mount Ontake were caught out by a deadly eruption that killed at least 36 people, despite it being dormant for the past few years, “It was a beautiful day but suddenly thick smoke and ash came pouring down the mountainside.” said one terrified eye witness.

5 Fresh eruptions stopped the rescuers hunt. Drop in an embedded clause Adjectival – where, which, who, that Adverbial – because, when, in order to Add some words (adjectives, adverbs) Add a fact Add a direct quote into the sentence

6 Fresh eruptions stopped the rescuers hunt. Drop in an embedded clause Adjectival – where, which, who Adverbial – because, when, in order to Add some words (adjectives, adverbs) Add a fact Add a direct quote into the sentence

7 Survivors told reporters that they thought they would die. Drop in an embedded clause Adjectival – where, which, who Adverbial – because, when, in order to Add some words (adjectives, adverbs) Add a fact Add a direct quote into the sentence

8 Survivors told reporters that they thought they would die. Drop in an embedded clause Adjectival – where, which, who, that Adverbial – because, when, in order to Add some words (adjectives, adverbs) Add a fact Add a direct quote into the sentence

9 What is the purpose and who is the audience for our journalistic writing ? What are the main features we would expect to find in this type of report?

10 Highlight/underline/circle features Facts - highlight Direct quotes - underline Emotive Language - circle

11 Task – Shared write Work together to write the middle of the report as a shared write. What needs to be included ? Make sure you use direct and reported speech, facts, emotive language.....

12 Plenary How could we end our report? Think, pair, share.

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