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COMM 3180-01 Communication& Social Behavior June 8, 2005 Language in Action: Institutionalization.

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1 COMM 3180-01 Communication& Social Behavior June 8, 2005 Language in Action: Institutionalization

2 Discussion: Paper One Paper One Description

3 Society and Human “Nature” World-Openness:  Underdeveloped instincts  Organismic development outside the womb  Ability to fashion environment World-Closedness:  If we didn’t have social systems, we’d live in chaos.  Once social systems develop, the must be relatively “closed”

4 Understanding Institutionalization What is an institution? Characteristics of institutions:  Habitualization:  Reciprocal Typifications  History  Control: power in the last instance An Institutional Example: Your Family

5 Institutionalization as a Process Three dialectical “moments”:  Externalization: Society is a human product.  Objectivation: Society is an objective reality. Reification Legitimation  Internalization: Humans are social products. Sedimentation Roles Legitimation

6 Discourse and Subjectivity (Burr, Ch. 6) Personality vs. Identity Identity and discourse Subject Positions and Interpellation  Doctor-Patient  Teacher-Student Identity is the sum total of subject positions we occupy at any given time Identity as site of struggle and resistance

7 Structure and Agency: Structuration Theory Anthony Giddens The “Duality of Structure”  Structure is both enabling and constraining  Structure is both an outcome of and a resource for action. Practices and Performances

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