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A 01 Is it Yummy? Is it Big? How do Adjectives work?

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Presentation on theme: "A 01 Is it Yummy? Is it Big? How do Adjectives work?"— Presentation transcript:

1 A 01 Is it Yummy? Is it Big? How do Adjectives work?

2 Index What is Adjectives? ADJ 1: yummy sushi, big mountain  So, how does it work?  日本ご memo  Question ADJ 2: Sushi is yummy. ADJ 2: Sushi is yummy.  So, how does it work?  日本ご memo  Question ADJ 3: Is it yummy? ADJ 3: Is it yummy?  So, how does it work?  日本ご memo  Question

3 What is Adjective? Adjectives are “describing” words such as “yummy”, “big”, “small” and “fun”. ADJ in EnglishEquivalent ADJ in Japanese yummy おいしい big おおきい small ちいさい fun たのしい Adjectives tell you more about “how it is like”. Adjectives in Japanese work in pretty much the same way as English Adjectives in term of word order. So it’s easy.

4 Adjective 1: yummy sushi & big mountain

5 So, how does it work?

6 日本ご memo In Japanese, an Adjective usually is placed in front of the “thing”(noun) that you are describing. Same as English. This is it. No matter what!

7 Questions How do you say this in Japanese?

8 Adjective 2: Sushi is yummy.

9 So, how does it work?

10 日本ご memo In Japanese, the word order in a sentence is: “topic” + は + Adjective + です A “topic” particle は (pronounced “wa”, same as わ ) follows an topic. Then, です to finish off the sentence. This is the same as English in terms of word order. “topic” is/are Adjective.

11 Questions How do you say this in Japanese?

12 Adjective 3: Is sushi yummy?

13 So, how does it work?

14 日本ご memo To make a “Is it (adjective)?” question, simply put か at the end. Just like saying “Sushi is yummy?” or “Sumo is fun?” To make a “What is (adjective)?” question, simply use なに (what). なに + が + adjective + か。 Notice how the particle change from は to が (“focus”).

15 Questions How do you say this in Japanese?

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