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Unit 4 Wildlife Protection Menglin Yuan 2008.1.3.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4 Wildlife Protection Menglin Yuan 2008.1.3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection Menglin Yuan 2008.1.3

2 Welcome to the world of wildlife!

3 rhino Meerkat antelope

4 leopard

5 giraffe elephant

6 zebra ant monkey

7 hornbill 犀鸟

8 Baboon

9 lion lionet

10 African wild boar Sinba and his friends

11 Meerkat

12 aardwolf His enemies

13 How many other wild animals do you know?

14 wolf foxtiger gorilla chimpanzeecrocodile penguin

15 But nowadays many wild animals are in danger, can you tell me some of them?

16 panda

17 Tibetan Antelope

18 Golden Monkey Milu Deer

19 丹顶鹤 Red-crowned Crane

20 白暨豚 Yangtze River Dolphin This is the last Yangtze River Dolphin that people can find. But it died on July 14th 2002.

21 Yangtze Alligator South China tiger

22 Discussion: Why are they in danger of dying out? Nowadays, people try to protect these animals from extinction. 1.Food shortage 2.No habitat 3.Illegal hunting

23 If the bamboo dies, I will die!

24 People cut down the trees and build lots of buildings, but where are ours? And they destroy the environment, which make us become weaker and weaker. I want my home back!

25 Discussion: What do people hunt or kill the animals for?

26 Rhino horn skin

27 ivoryfur

28 The lifetime of a whale

29 When we grow up, we will be killed for making medicine. sika

30 1.People hunt them for making bags, shoes, fur coats and other decorations. 2.People kill them for food. 3.People use them to make medicine. We have killed the animals directly or indirectly, so we are the killers!

31 Imagine you are caught by E.T, and trapped in the cages, suffering from hunger, what would you feel and what would you say to them?

32 Graveyard of Extinction

33 Look at the following proverbs or old sayings: A wolf in sheep's clothing. 披着羊皮的狼 To shed crocodile tear. 掉鳄鱼眼泪. Better a living dog than a dead lion. 好死不如赖活着. The leopard( 豹 ) can't change its sports. 本性难移.

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