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Www www Rehabilitation of degraded river-line in Mount Kenya Region *Njeru R W, Wambugu F, Kagunda J, Wamahiu.

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Presentation on theme: "Www www Rehabilitation of degraded river-line in Mount Kenya Region *Njeru R W, Wambugu F, Kagunda J, Wamahiu."— Presentation transcript:

1 www www Rehabilitation of degraded river-line in Mount Kenya Region *Njeru R W, Wambugu F, Kagunda J, Wamahiu P & Mutahi E Africa Harvest Biotech Foundation International P O Box 642-00621, Nairobi, Kenya 2 nd World congress of Agroforestry Nairobi Kenya, 22-28 th August 2009 Rehabilitation of degraded river-line in Mount Kenya Region *Njeru R W, Wambugu F, Kagunda J, Wamahiu P & Mutahi E Africa Harvest Biotech Foundation International P O Box 642-00621, Nairobi, Kenya 2 nd World congress of Agroforestry Nairobi Kenya, 22-28 th August 2009

2 www Background  Kenya forest cover stands around 1.7%  Deforestation effect : Flooding, uncontrolled erosion & excessive siltation of Hydro-electric dams  Major water towers degraded & include: Mt Kenya, Aberdares, Cherangani hills, Mau complex & Mt Elgon

3 www High dependency on wood fuel: domestic usage contributes to deforestation

4 www High dependency on wood products- contributes to degradation Power distribution poles, timber for construction & furniture

5 www River Rutui-mount Kenya water tower  Importance  source of 55 registered water intakes belonging to farmer groups, institutions and coffee factories.  supplies water to >1258 rural households plus population of Kerugoya town.  7 micro hydro power plants power to local  Tributary of river Thiba which drains into River Tana-seven folks dams  River Thiba source of water Mwea rice scheme

6 www Challenges  Population whose livelihood depend on waters from River Rutui were concerned why?  Declining water volumes resulting in 1.Water Rationing 2.Micro-hydro dams running below capacity- less power generated  Water pollution. 1.Increased cases of water borne diseases 2.School absentee due to water related sickness 3.Water unfit for household use- look for other distant sources & more time in search of water

7 www Problem diagnosis & action 1.Villagers sought help from Water Resource Management Authority (WRMA) & 2.Outcome formation of River Rutui users association & leaders of all 17 villages represented. 3.Formed core team- Members of the community, Riparian land owners WRMA, Kenya Forest Service, Ministry of Agriculture & then 4.Walked along river-lines River Rutui & 5 tributaries (Gaturu, Icere, Kirogo, Mutuangunyi, Kanyiriri and Riagatogo)-58 km 5.Shared findings & resolutions reached in baraza

8 www Major problems & solutions 25 illegal furrows directing water to the farms –Those bordering Raparian - resolved to stop diverting water illegally (left) Garages close to river damping waste into the river-practice ceased ( right)

9 www Wrong- exotic tree species planted close to river-line & cultivation close to river bank

10 www  Organisations directed Raw sewage into the river (schools, Hospital, council & coffee factories

11 www Problem diagnosis & action contd  Pit latrines constructed close to the river  Cattle sheds build close to the river & polluting the waters  Cultivating close to the river-line

12 www Rehabilitation-Implementation strategy Partnership with collaborators  Ministry of energy centers  Kenya Forest service  Water Resource Management Authority  Ministry of Agriculture  Tree Biotechnology Project Trust  Kenya Forestry Research Institute  Private & public nurseries  Micro-finance institutions  Local communities  Empowered communities to raise seedlings

13 www River Rutui  Site matching planted >25,000 indigenous trees & fruit trees  Users association  Police the river line  Protect trees & > 90% survival  Ensure there is no pollution in the river

14 www Leaders & community involvement

15 www RESULTS RESULTS Increased water supply - Micro hydropower plants Clean energy source for over 400 households

16 www Benefits: Radio & charging mobile phones At George Kimotho’s home in Dodo Location in Kirinyaga

17 www Before and… After

18 www Current status River Rutui Clean water High quality seeds Training on tree agronomy & group governance Benefits

19 www Key outcomes of the Intervention 1. Regular supply of clean water- no rationing 2.Reduce incidence of water borne diseases 3.Improved school attendance 4.Micro-hydro dams fully functional- electricity supply to 400 households 5.Income from sale of seedlings 6.Improved skills- tree manangement 7.>90% tree establishment 8.Cultivation close to river bank ceased 

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