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Custom Query Tool. Uses of CQT Access any data in the repository –Meteorological observations –Model data –Hydrology –Etc...

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Presentation on theme: "Custom Query Tool. Uses of CQT Access any data in the repository –Meteorological observations –Model data –Hydrology –Etc..."— Presentation transcript:

1 Custom Query Tool

2 Uses of CQT Access any data in the repository –Meteorological observations –Model data –Hydrology –Etc...

3 Uses of CQT Generate climatology reports Create model derived soundings Retrieve raw data with QC checks Anything else you want it to do

4 Running CQT CQT runs on JRE 1.3.1 or higher Installed on DAC Java WebStart-able Near future plans: Web interface

5 Overview of CQT Layout


7 Query List Section Once a query is selected from the list, the parameter section will update to reflect the selected query.

8 Query Parameter Section The parameter window is located in the upper right corner of CQT. You enter the query constraints in this window. Each query has a list of parameters. Each parameter has a dialog window that will allow you to change its value. Parameter names highlighted in yellow are common to all queries.

9 Results Table If the CQT Results Table is selected for the Output Location, the data will appear in a table in the bottom of the tool. This table can be copied into an Excel spreadsheet. Not all queries allow result to be seen in this table.

10 Build A Query Query list is built from an XML file SQL Queries are very easy to build Other Queries require writing Java code

11 SQL Query Example <query className=“edu.ucar.rap.cqt.SQLQuery” name=“DWRS:Retrieve MicroStep Data” > <parameter className=“edu.ucar.rap.cqt.Parameter” name=“sql” default=“SELECT * FROM mis_surface_data WHERE dt > ?” visible=“false” /> <parameter className=“edu.ucar.rap.cqt.DateParameter” fillsSqlQuestionMark=“true” name=“Start Date” default=“NOW” />

12 Custom Java Query Must add query to the XML file New query must extend the class edu.ucar.rap.cqt.Query Demonstration with MicroStep data

13 Existing Queries Model Derived Soundings (a.k.a. Virtual Soundings) Lightning strike maps and diurnal distribution

14 Virtual Sounding Model data is interpolated to an arbitrary latitude and longitude. The Virtual Sounding query generates a skew-T plot, as well as a text file with wind and temperature values.

15 Lightning Strike Map The map shows each individual lightning strike that was recorded.

16 Custom Queries For The DWRS

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