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all bfh?bfh? I see all the nouns. look b?b? They look at a noun with a noun.

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Presentation on theme: "all bfh?bfh? I see all the nouns. look b?b? They look at a noun with a noun."— Presentation transcript:


2 all bfh?bfh? I see all the nouns.

3 look b?b? They look at a noun with a noun.

4 is f?f? The noun is near the noun.

5 her f?f? Her noun is on the noun.

6 there bcf??bcf?? There is a big noun near the noun.

7 some c?c? Some of the boys verb.

8 word b?b? I verb a word.

9 out p?p? She went out of the house to verb.

10 as h As the dog barked, the boy verb.

11 be fr k m ? We must be ______ and _____.

12 each bp?bp? Each child verb. (for example, runs)

13 have We have to verb now.

14 go dlm??dlm?? They go to the room to verb.

15 we b fr m ? We verb.

16 am s?s? I am with a girl who wants to verb.

17 then hmp?hmp? Then we verb.

18 little The little boy verb. (for example, runs)

19 down cl fr ? They verb down the hill.

20 do bl fl gl ? I do verb.

21 can fm??fm?? I can verb.

22 could sh?sh? We could verb.

23 when d??d?? When I verb, I feel happy.

24 did h?h? She did verb.

25 what bc?bc? What should I do if he verb? (for example, laughs)

26 so bdgln?bdgln? She was so ________.

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