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Access to Primary Care Dr Katie Coleman, GP, South Islington

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1 Access to Primary Care Dr Katie Coleman, GP, South Islington

2 What is the problem? The National GP survey, sent randomly to registered patients, has told us that Islington could improve its access to GP practices (results are on your table) Some practices have also done local surveys to see what patients think of their access (results are also on your table)

3 What are we doing? There are lots of things we are doing to help improve GP access. 1) Improved Access Programme (GPs) Most GP practices across Islington are now part of an optional programme which requires them to review and change their system to improve their access Practices have two options: – To put in place a specific system where all patients who want a face to face appointment, but their choice of appointment can't be met receive a call back from a GP. If the problem cannot be dealt with over the phone there and then (lots can!), the GP will offer them a face to face appointment at a time that meets the needs of the patient. – To work with advisers to review data about their own practice and identify what might be going wrong, and make changes to fix it.

4 What else helps GP Access? Opening for extended hours over and above 8am-6.30pm Minor ailments programme where you can receive help for minor health issues, like colds or headaches, from your local pharmacy instead More ways of making an appointment with your GP, like phone, internet Ordering repeat prescriptions online or over phone More phone appointments with a GP or nurse Being able to book a few weeks ahead for routine things Touch-in screens when you arrive for your appointment Getting tests like blood tests in your practice instead of hospital Practice website for accessing information Offer more services at pharmacy

5 1) Complete questionnaire individually 2) Table discussion Look at the questions one by one, and write your answer on a post-it, with your practice’s name on the back. Then discuss with your table group. 1.What is the number one thing you think your GP practice does well? 2.What is your number one bug bear? 3.If your practice could offer something extra to improve their access, what would it be? 4.The minor ailments system – do you know how it works, and have you found it useful? We are improving it by taking away the need to go to the GP for a form before you go to the pharmacy.

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