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Partnerships in Development Context of Burkina Faso Philippe Ouedraogo

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Presentation on theme: "Partnerships in Development Context of Burkina Faso Philippe Ouedraogo"— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnerships in Development Context of Burkina Faso Philippe Ouedraogo

2 Burkina Faso/ W Africa

3 Land locked in W/Africa

4 BF in Brief Population :14.000.000 Democratic (Lay) Second poorest HDI The land of upright people( Pays des hommes integres) Strong civil society Very active Christian communities

5 Types of Partnerships Local ( Community level) Provincial National International Networks. Coalition Thematic

6 Changing Agents Individuals ( Visionaries) Local communities Churches ( TF strategy, Compassion…) NGOs ( Christian) Good political context ( freedom of Press) Great opportunities ( genuine basic needs)

7 Success stories Food security ( Coalition) Non formal education ( Christian NGOs) HIV/Aids/widows +orphans Advocacy Gender in education ( Church ‘s schools) Freedom of Religion Regional peace process Partnerships with the government

8 Obstacles to partnerships Unhealthy power relations( Watson,Nitya). Tight and bureaucratic ( Top down) Donor imposed conditionality Paying down the faith factor ( W/Africa) No capacity building ‘Training and support’ Bad communication Exclusion of civil societies

9 Recommendations 1. A paradigm Shift in Mission Strategies 2.Partnerships with local churches/NGOs 3. Invest in Kingdom Business! 4. Do justice to the Poor! Not just talking… 5. Africa has a positive image! Find it.. 6. Invest in Education that empowers all 7. Think also about the voiceless!

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