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BSCCo Business Strategy 2013/14: Timetable and Process Victoria Moxham.

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Presentation on theme: "BSCCo Business Strategy 2013/14: Timetable and Process Victoria Moxham."— Presentation transcript:

1 BSCCo Business Strategy 2013/14: Timetable and Process Victoria Moxham

2 1 Timetable NovDecJanFebMarApr Board Parties Panel Note Process & Key Themes Review draft Strategy Consider comments & revisions Review Budget & Strategy Consider comments & revisions Issue for comment Workshop Strategy approval Consider Panel comments 1 5 10 8 97 3 2 4 Request to vary timetable 6 11 Approve Budget

3 2 BSCCo Strategy will continue to develop from the mission and vision Maintain and build upon BSCCo’s previous achievements whilst readying the BSC for future market developments “To deliver the BSC effectively, efficiently and economically, to the benefit of our customers” BSCCo’s focus will be on delivering the core and ensuring that the BSC arrangements support future market developments. “To be a leader in the efficient transformation of energy markets by providing shared solutions to address common industry problems”

4 3 BSCCo’s 5 Strategic Priorities Actively manage, and continually improve, BSC services to ensure that we deliver in an efficient, effective and economic way Drive efficiencies and savings in the operation of the BSC Improve the customer experience and develop richer customer relationships Develop BSC Services to address industry challenges Invest in our people for the benefit of the industry 1 2 3 4 5

5 4 Regardless of the outcome of the governance work, this Business Plan is fit for purpose This is a BSCCo strategy No change in the focus on efficient, effective and economic provision of BSC Services We’ve considered comments on the 2012/13 Business Plan, and also feedback from the 2012 customer survey Build upon successes and improvements bedded down over the past 2 years Continue to enhance the experience for BSC Parties Recognise the need to galvanise the BSC for the impacts of market developments (EMR, EU activities, Smart, Smarter Markets etc.) Key Themes and Considerations


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