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Network-Enabled Platforms – Tools to Maximize Operational Performance.

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Presentation on theme: "Network-Enabled Platforms – Tools to Maximize Operational Performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Network-Enabled Platforms – Tools to Maximize Operational Performance

2 Emergent Trends of Interest to NRC-IIT Operational use of networks and network-enabled environments to support improvement of performance outcomes –Predominant research effort in Defence sector –Far less research effort across the broader Security / First Response community Educational use of networked visual / immersive environments –Predominantly growing through “path-finding” driven by commercial platforms rather than defined requirements Projected convergence of Operational and Educational systems over time as capabilities begin to overlap

3 Leveraging the military advantages that the effective integration of information systems (both technological and human) can produce through the creation and exploitation of information Canadian Forces Functional Concept - NEO

4 NEO Benefit Chain Better Information Sharing Better Effects Better Actions Better Decisions Better Shared Understanding Better Networks robust, secure, more extensive Better Devices Better Outcomes joint, inter-agency, multinational, common operating picture timely, accurate, relevant, available knowledge-based, timely, predictive more capable, less energy, inter-operable rapid, timely, accurate dissemination, optimized coordination, agile, precise, efficient use of resources synchronized, proportionate, appropriate Better Processes

5 Land Force C4ISR Strategy End-state / Vision: To enable land tactical adaptive dispersed operations (ADO) in a JIMP context by coherently and deliberately providing an evolving, sustainable, fully secure, integrated, and interoperable network-enabled command-centric C4ISR capability that is relevant, flexible to the land ops community, and synchronized with Army and CF Program objectives.

6 NRC-IIT Perspective on NEO for the Security Cluster End-state / Vision: To enable tactical adaptive dispersed operations (ADO) in a JIMP context by coherently and deliberately providing evolving, sustainable, fully secure, integrated, and interoperable network-enabled learning and operational performance support capabilities that are relevant, flexible to the security / first response communities, and synchronized between national, regional, and municipal organizations. Similar overlap of capability requirements extends into core “system view” of component technologies

7 Soldier Systems View

8 “Firefighter” System View FIRE-FIGHTER Information Equipment Personal ?

9 NRC-IIT Intent Foster the development and adoption of network-enabled platforms, systems, and capabilities that leverages emergent work in the defence community to enhance operational capability across the broader security / first response sectors Develop a new technology cluster focused on the emergent collective needs of government organizations with regard to advanced learning and operational performance support Create a research, development, and commercialization framework that enables accelerated creation and implementation of essential mission-support capabilities that enhance operational outcomes –ie improve performance, reduce risk, optimize resources

10 Future Force Warrior (FFW) FFW is the US Army's flagship technology program to develop and demonstrate revolutionary capabilities for future Soldier systems. FFW will feature a lightweight, overwhelmingly lethal, fully integrated individual combat systems, including weapon, head-to-toe individual protection, netted communications, soldier-worn power sources, and enhanced human performance. A physiological status monitor will provide physiological information to the soldier, his squad leader, and his commander, and can also be used for remote triage. The program is aimed at providing unsurpassed individual and squad lethality, survivability, communications, and responsiveness.


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