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Unwrapping the Standards. The power standards are the fence posts. They provide the curricular focus and teachers need to dig deeper to assure student.

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Presentation on theme: "Unwrapping the Standards. The power standards are the fence posts. They provide the curricular focus and teachers need to dig deeper to assure student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unwrapping the Standards


3 The power standards are the fence posts. They provide the curricular focus and teachers need to dig deeper to assure student competency. Like fence rails, supporting standards are those curricular standards that connect to and support the power standards

4 “It is critical that all of the assessed standards be truly significant. From an instructional perspective, it is better for the test to measure a handful of powerful skills accurately than it is for tests to do an inaccurate job of measuring many skills.” W J Popham From Test Better, Teach Better 2003 pg 143 Assessment of only highest priority standards

5 What are the power performance indicators and how do you analyze growth? What to do: 1. Every unit has selected power goals identified 2. Additional performance indicators you wish to assess are moved to “Additional Standards” tab and marked as “introduce skills” under the assessment method.

6 Laying the standards foundations Steps 1-6 1.Choose important topic 2.Identify matching priority standards 3.Unwrap matching priority standards 4.Create a graphic organizer (New Bloom) 5.Determine the big ideas 6.Write the essential questions 10 Steps for Designing Common Formative Assessments

7 7. Write selected response items 8. Write constructed response items (extended or short) 9. Write essential question – big idea directions 10. Create scoring guides for constructed items Creating the assessments steps 7-10

8 Unwrapping the Standards as a strategy for identifying big ideas and core tasks. Looking at key nouns and verbs helps to identify key learning which can then be taught in the context of big ideas and essential questions.

9 Unwrapping the standard Standard: Comprehend and interpret information from a variety of graphic displays including diagrams, charts, and graphs. Big Idea: Graphic displays of information enhances comprehension and interpretation of information.

10 Kindergarten Mathematics Example

11 1.Match sets of objects one to one. 2.Identify sort and classify objects by size number and other attributes. Identify objects that do not belong to a particular group. 3.Compare and sort common objects by position, shape, size, roundness, and other attributes. Must Know (Graphic Organizer Objects sets, one to one Attributes size, number, things that don’t belong, position, shape, roundness, other attributes Be able to do (New Bloom) Match– one to one (1) Identify– objects by attributes (1) Sort- objects by attributes (1) Classify – objects by attributes (2) Compare -objects by attributes (3) Step 2 & 3 Step 4

12 Big Ideas (from “Unwrapped” priority standards) 1.Objects with the same attributes can be grouped together. 2.Objects can be compared, classified, and sorted by different attributes. Essential questions (matched to big ideas) 1.How can we group objects? (Objects with the same attributes can be grouped together.) 2.How is one group of objects different from another? (Objects can be compared, classified, and sorted by their different attributes.) Step 5Step 6 Step 7-10 Create the formative assessment

13 Grade 6 Mathematics Example

14 1.Select and apply appropriate standard units and tools to measure length, area, volume, weight, time, temperature, and size of angles. 2. Know common estimates of pi and use these values to estimate and calculate the circumference and the area of a circle. Must Know (Graphic Organizer) Standard Units and Measuring Tools for: Length, Area, time volume, temperature, size of angles, weight Circles: Circumference, area, estimates of pi Formulas: circumference, area Be able to do (New Bloom) Know- common estimates of pi (1) Select- appropriate tools, units (1) Measure- length, area, volume, weight, time, temperature, angles (1) Estimate- circumference, area of circle (2) Calculate- circumference, area of circle (3) Use- formulas for circumfer., area of a circle (3) Use - common estimates of pi (3) Apply - appropriate units, tools (3) Step 2 & 3 Step 4

15 Big Ideas (from “Unwrapped” priority standards) 1.Knowledge and application of common measurement terms are necessary life skills. 2.Mathematical formulas and estimates both provide shortcuts for determining needed mathematical information. 3.Measurement strategies and tools can be used to solve problems involving mathematical applications. Essential questions (matched to big ideas) 1.Why do we need to know and be able to use common measurement terms? (Knowledge and application of common measurement terms are necessary life skills.) 1.Why learn mathematical formulas? How do estimation and formulas work together? 2.(Mathematical formulas and estimates both provide shortcuts for determining needed mathematical information.) 3.What is the practical use of measurement strategies and tools? (Measurement strategies and tools can be used to solve any problems involving geometric shapes.) Step 5 Step 6 Step 7-10 Create the formative assessment

16 Algebra Example

17 1.Students simplify expressions prior to solving linear equations and inequalities in one variable, such as 3 (2x - 5) + 4(x-2) = 12. 2.Students solve multi-step problems, including word problems, involving linear inequalities in one variable and provide explanation (justify) for each step. 3.Students graph a linear equation and compute the x- and y- intercepts (e.g. graph 2x + 6y = 4). They are also able to sketch the region defined by linear inequality (e.g. they sketch the region defined by 2x + 6y < 4). Must Know (Graphic Organizer) One variable: Linear equations Linear inequalities/related region X- and y- intercepts Multi-step problems/ word problems Be able to do ( New Bloom) Simplify - expressions Solve - linear equations/inequalities, multi-step problems/ word problems Provide - step by step explanation Graph - linear equation Compute - x- and y- intercepts Sketch - region defined by inequality Step 2 & 3 Step 4

18 Big Ideas (from “Unwrapped” priority standards) 1.Linear equations can help explain real-life situations. 2.Algebraic solutions can be visualized on graphs. 3.There are precise and systematic ways to solve both inequalities and linear equations. Essential questions (matched to big ideas) 1.What are linear equations? How can we use them? (Linear equations can help explain real-life situations.) 2. What information can one derive from the graph of an equation or inequality? (Algebraic solutions can be visualized on graphs.) 3.How do we solve linear equations and inequalities? (There are precise and systematic ways to solve both inequalities and linear equations.) Step 5Step 6 Step 7-10 Create the formative assessment

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