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Imperialism. Imperialism Imperialism Stronger nation attempt to create empires by dominating weaker nations Do this Economically Politically Militarily.

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2 Imperialism

3 Imperialism Stronger nation attempt to create empires by dominating weaker nations Do this Economically Politically Militarily

4 European Nations Had already begun to Imperialize
Britain France German Carved up Africa and established claims in Asia “Sun never sets on the British Empire”

5 US Imperialists Seek Economic Benefits
Raw materials and natural resources Tea, rubber, iron , petroleum Colonies are called Extractive Economies Foreign trade the solution to overproduction, unemployment, and economic depression Competition among industrial nations for markets

6 US Imperialists Stress the Need for a Strong Navy
Construction of The Great White Fleet (a modern naval fleet) to protect economic interests Colonies over seas Prosperity depends on strength of navy Two ocean navy Build canal at the isthmus of Panama Control the Caribbean Sea Ideas of US Admiral Alfred T. Mahan

7 US Imperialists Believe in Cultural Superiority
Social Darwin Certain nations were superior to others and therefore were destined to rule over inferior cultures God had granted them the right and responsibility Continuation of Manifest Destiny White Man’s Burden Missionary wanted to spread Christianity

8 America’s Steps

9 US goes to war with Spain
Perry opens up Japan Seward buys Alaska US annexes Hawaii US goes to war with Spain US takes Guam, Puerto Rico, and Philippines Involved in Cuba Open Door Policy in China Influence in Latin America grows Aid rebellion in Panama Dollar Diplomacy in the Dominican Republic Moral Diplomacy in Mexico

10 Results America has new role in the world
Imperialism is new foreign policy

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