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Carney’s Carni-val Review HRE 40. In Today’s Circus… We will have three events… Tight Rope Walking ---moral dilemmas Juggling – pressures and tensions.

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Presentation on theme: "Carney’s Carni-val Review HRE 40. In Today’s Circus… We will have three events… Tight Rope Walking ---moral dilemmas Juggling – pressures and tensions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carney’s Carni-val Review HRE 40

2 In Today’s Circus… We will have three events… Tight Rope Walking ---moral dilemmas Juggling – pressures and tensions between faith and society Snake Charming / Lion Taming

3 Tight Rope Walking #1 List any three important aspects that are important in respecting our environment… ***You may refer to the 10 principals of land stewardship.

4 Tight Rope Walking #2 What 2 important Christian teachings can we use to achieve the balance of a progressive society with one that is conscious and careful about our future (environment, human rights, etc)

5 Answer Be loving Always think of how our actions impact others

6 Tight Rope Walking #3 Amidst a world that has racism, sexism, bigotry, stereotyping, etc, etc, what hope can you provide to the world as informed, and knowledgeable individuals?

7 Answer We are individuals – uniquely designed We are capable of greatness – however, we don’t always see our own potential We can lead by example Whether we know it or not, our actions can serve to inspire others

8 Juggling Church Teaching vs. Societal Realities The ultimate juggling act…

9 Juggling #1 We often find ourselves at odds between church teaching and societal pressures. How can humans honour their sexuality within the context of our world that often does not?

10 Answer Recognize that our sexuality is a very precious part of who we are. Sexuality is a natural aspect of being human. Sexuality, is not for selfish enjoyment that implies no commitment to another person. Being sexual can be a great expression of love, however, sexuality also can be confusing because the feelings and emotions may be overwhelming. Therefore, it is taught that it is better to wait to become sexual – the more you know who you are, and when there is a great commitment between individuals, the expression of sexuality is more powerful.

11 Juggling #2 In a world that often rejects church teaching, how can individuals in this modern world develop their relationship with God? Use the Exodus story as part of your explanation.

12 Answer Praying – not limited to formal prayer Exodus – promise and recognition that God is present in our lives. A relationship with God can help individuals overcome their fears and troubles.

13 Answer Praying – not limited to formal prayer Exodus – promise and recognition that God is present in our lives. A relationship with God can help individuals overcome their fears and troubles.

14 Juggling #3 Provide an example of an injustice around the world that directly contradicts church teaching. Be able to identify the injustice, and support the contradiction with evidence from class discussions, and notes / activities.

15 Lion Taming / Snake Charming Sometimes our emotions get the best of us. We may act impulsively, and regret it later. In this event, you need make connections to topics from Unit 4

16 Lion Taming / Snake Charming #1 Explain how one theory of conscience can be used to explain why an individual has chosen not to engage in a fist fight with another individual.

17 Lion Taming / Snake Charming #2 Explain the extreme ranges of moral of moral development according to Kohlberg. Where do we begin, and where do we hopefully end up? Why do you feel it would be important for individuals to reach the final stage of his theory?

18 Lion Taming / Snake Charming #3 Why do Christians feel there should be no physical retribution to the actions of serious crimes like murder, rape, etc? ***It is important to note, that Christians / Catholics would not deny the initial desire to these horrific acts.

19 Answer Though we may feel that the criminal is deserving of physical retribution, we should not have the right to cause harm to another individual – leave it to the courts – fight the battle in non physical ways.

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