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Welcome to Honors Chemistry Mrs. Danica Esquivel B11 Please sign in!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Honors Chemistry Mrs. Danica Esquivel B11 Please sign in!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Honors Chemistry Mrs. Danica Esquivel B11 Please sign in!

2 Mrs. Danica Esquivel 10 th year at CGHS and still loving it! 8 th year teaching honors chemistry Graduate of Schaumburg High School and Marquette University Girls Cross Country Coach Ran 4 half marathons Terrified of buffalo Mom of a 15 month old little guy!

3 Honors Chemistry Chem IS Try! Rigorous course; prep for future advanced level classes. We are in full swing and have had our first test Communicate with me! Both you and your child!

4 What we do: Labs!!! Demos!! Problem-Solve Rise to Challenges Question Make Observations Work in teams Improve ourselves as students, chemists, and people

5 Grades

6 Grading 50% failing grade is assigned to assignments that are not turned in and marked as “Missing” Late work for potential full credit is accepted, but I subtract points from the “Timely Completion” assignment each time something is turned in late. I give a rubric or checklist for every lab with answers and suggestions to improve.

7 Retake Opportunity Any test or quiz! (Assuming it is well-earned) Approximately 2 weeks to complete process Tests and quizzes the week before a grading period ends will “stick” (no retakes) Contract must be fulfilled and upheld Shared information regarding tests (written or verbal results in a ZERO! Meet with Mrs. E Come up with a new learning plan together Rock new test!!

8 Chem Is Try! Chem is FUN! Demonstration: learn through observation, asking questions, and drawing conclusions. Observations: What you can see, smell, touch, and hear Make a guess: Why do you think this happens? Make a connection: What does this have to do with what we are learning?

9 Ask your child Are you reading your notes every night? How are you doing on your labs? Have you asked Mrs. E any questions? (email or in person) How are you participating in chemistry class? What are your plans for retaking the Unit 1 Test? (last day 9/25) What is your study plan for Unit 2 Test? (9/23)

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