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Representing People: Exploitation & Pornography. Dove Pro-age ads.

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Presentation on theme: "Representing People: Exploitation & Pornography. Dove Pro-age ads."— Presentation transcript:

1 Representing People: Exploitation & Pornography

2 Dove Pro-age ads

3 Dove “Real Women”


5 Eric Clark

6 One definition of exploitation: Advertising Irony of the Dove ads

7 Discussion Board oSelect one of the works and/or artists below to research on the Internet, on television, in film, in magazines, or in other media. Please note that some of these images might be considered particularly shocking or disturbing (they are marked with asterisk*). 1) Describe the work briefly and explain the ideas you believe are intended. 2) Describe your personal reactions to the work. 3) Discuss ways in which the work is exploitative and/or non-exploitative and why. How do you define exploitation? Would you consider some of the images to be “pornographic”? How do you define pornography? We will discuss some of them in class. Remember to include links to your images. 1) Sally Mann’s photographs of her children 2) Shelby Lee Adams’ images of Appalachian families * 3) Vanessa Beecroft’s performances 4) Robert Mapplethorpe’s X Portfolio images *** (contains homoerotic and sado-masochistic imagery) 5) Nudism: Lutz, Florida, is the nudist capital of the U.S., with several luxury resorts such as Caliente and Paradise Lakes. Travel Naturally is a nudist magazine. 6) A true crime show that examines “evidence” (your choice) 7) News photos with graphic depictions of the body (your choice) 8) An MMORPG that focuses on the body (your choice) 9) A film that features the body graphically (your choice) 10) An ad that features the body prominently 11) Pornographic images that do not feature nudity compared to those that do. (Discuss how you are determining what is “pornographic” and provide examples.) *** 12) Imagery of violence to the body that you consider to be exploitative, contrasted with violent images you consider to be non-exploitative (discuss the contexts of these images and how you see them as different)

8 Mapplethorpe

9 Portrait: Schwarzenegger

10 Portrait: Richard Gere

11 o Derrick Cross, 1982

12 o Jean Hippolyte Flandrin (1809-1864)

13 What makes porn porn? o And how is it different from art?


15 Shelby Lee Adams




19 Sally Mann


21 DanaeRembrant

22 Sally Mann



25 Exploitation? Who are the viewers? What will be the Viewers’ Intents? Who is the Subject? What is the Subject’s Intent? What are the Power Dynamics? Between Artist and Subject? Between Viewer and Subject? Who is the Artist? What is the Artist’s Intent? Philosophy/Artist’s Statement? Who benefits? How? Benefit to the Artist? Benefit to the Subject? What was the Process? How are the Artist and Subject Involved in the Creative Process? Decision-making Process? What are Relevant Historical and Cultural Contexts? Has the Subject consented? (Is the subject really able to give informed consent?)

26 Jess Loseby o Textual Tango

27 Bubble Girl

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