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Helping you build a new kind of local economy, where you live.

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Presentation on theme: "Helping you build a new kind of local economy, where you live."— Presentation transcript:

1 helping you build a new kind of local economy, where you live

2 What kind of livelihoods & businesses are needed, given the challenges we face ? How can we help create the conditions for people to bring this into reality?themselves?

3 Inspiring business models & economic enablers Place-based market analysis & partnership + + Community support + Investment

4 Inspiring business models & economic enablers

5 Place-based market analysis & leadership “The purpose of our local economy is to maximise the happiness and wellbeing of our entire community, and to do this in a way that uses and distributes resources fairly and respects natural limits.”

6 Community support

7 Investment

8 REconomy goes International Belgium, Brazil, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Mexico, Netherlands, Portugal, USA & UK

9 The intangible Colin Crooks, MC of Brixton event spoke of "seeing people light up as they offered support", and of the magical sense of warmth created. Another said, "there was a lot of love in the room, if love's the right word".

10 helping you build a new kind of local economy, where you live

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