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Presentation on theme: " What we do: Pace works alongside parents and carers of children who are – or are at risk of being – sexually exploited by perpetrators."— Presentation transcript:


2 What we do: Pace works alongside parents and carers of children who are – or are at risk of being – sexually exploited by perpetrators external to the family. We offer guidance and training to professionals on how child sexual exploitation affects the whole family..

3 We provide: National Parent telephone support Co-located Parent Liaison Officers Volunteer befriending scheme Parent networking days Online parents forum Bespoke training for practitioners Influence in national and local policy Prevention work and parental awareness

4 The importance of involving parents: The majority of children affected by CSE are living at home when the abuse starts They are the primary safeguarders of their children. Parents and the family supply the majority of out-of-hours and long term support in assisting a child to exit safely from exploitation They can be key in gathering evidence to assist in prosecution They can support their child through the prosecution process – leading to increased likelihood of convictions Involving/supporting parents may prevent family breakdown Supported, informed and engaged parents have greater resilience in safeguarding their children from continued exploitation.

5 Case study.



8 Referring parents to Pace- Tel: 0113 240 3040 Or email on: FREE: online awareness resource

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