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Training Purposes Only JEM RAD SILK 31407 JMU-081189 (Ver. 1.1) 1 Notice : This technical data is furnished on the condition that it will be used by and.

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Presentation on theme: "Training Purposes Only JEM RAD SILK 31407 JMU-081189 (Ver. 1.1) 1 Notice : This technical data is furnished on the condition that it will be used by and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training Purposes Only JEM RAD SILK 31407 JMU-081189 (Ver. 1.1) 1 Notice : This technical data is furnished on the condition that it will be used by and disclosed to the receiving Cooperating agency and its contractors and sub contractors only for the purposes of fulfilling the cooperating agency’s responsibilities under the Space Station Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). It shall not be used for any other purpose, nor disclosed or retransferred to any other entity or government without prior written permission of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). Rad Silk Experiment “Integrated assessment of long-term cosmic radiation through biological responses of the silkworm, Bombyx mori in space” JEM RAD SILK 31407 Instructor:Toru Mori Takashi Yamasaki ( (

2 Training Purposes Only JEM RAD SILK 31407 JMU-081189 (Ver. 1.1) 2 Objectives  Perform the Rad Silk Experiment Operations according to ODFs without instructor’s assistance.  Rad Silk Experiment Explain the science objective of the Rad Silk experiment. List onboard outcomes from performing the Rad Silk experiment. After this lesson the trainee will be able to:  Operation Flow Outline the Rad Silk operations flow from the view point of Rad Silk cases movement. Identify crew member tasks regarding the Rad Silk experiment.

3 Training Purposes Only JEM RAD SILK 31407 JMU-081189 (Ver. 1.1) 3 Lesson Outline Rad Silk Experiment.................. 4 Operation Flow of Rad Silk................ 6 Rad Silk cases Separation................ 7 Key Points for Rad Silk Operations........... 8 Appendix 1. Specification of Meas Exp Unit A................... 10 2. Schematic of Meas Exp Unit A................... 11 3. Photo of Meas Exp Unit A................... 12 4. Photo of Rad Silk Cases................... 13 5. Acronyms............................... 14

4 Training Purposes Only JEM RAD SILK 31407 JMU-081189 (Ver. 1.1) 4 Rad Silk Experiment Rad Silk Experiment (PI: Toshiharu Furusawa) Purpose -Integrated assessment of long-term cosmic radiation through biological responses of the silkworm, Bombyx mori in space. Onboard Outcomes from the Experiment -Eggs of silkworm -Dosimeter -Microgravity environment data taken by Microgravity Measurement Apparatus (MMA) (downlinked to ground via IPU)

5 Training Purposes Only JEM RAD SILK 31407 JMU-081189 (Ver. 1.1) 5 Intentionally Blank

6 Training Purposes Only JEM RAD SILK 31407 JMU-081189 (Ver. 1.1) 6 x 3 sets MELFI Operation Flow of Rad Silk Saibo Rack/CBEF Activation Meas Exp Unit A Rtrv from CBEF Saibo Rack/CBEF Deactivation CBEF Incubator Unit Micro-G CBEF Meas Exp Unit A (3) Cultivation (6~8 days) All Rad Silk cases 2 deg C -95 deg C 2J/A launch x 4 sets Rad Silk Case and Triple Case x 5 sets x 1 set 17A launch CBEF Environment Control Start Meas Exp Unit A Attachment to CBEF MLT and MMA Deactivation MMA Micro-G environment measurement Incubator Unit 1G x1 set x2 sets x 1 set Rad Silk case Installation into Meas Exp Unit A Rad Silk cases Rtrv/Separation/Stow MLT and MMA Activation As required 2J/A Return 17A Return FLIGHT 17A :Crew operations :Ground operations LEGEND: FLIGHT 2J/A STAGE 2J/A Separation Stow Retrieve Stow

7 Training Purposes Only JEM RAD SILK 31407 JMU-081189 (Ver. 1.1) 7 Rad Silk Cases Separation Micro-G Incubator Unit 1G Incubator Unit CBEF 2 deg C -95 deg C MELFI Meas Exp Unit A S/N 001 S/N 002 S/N 003 S/N 001 S/N 002 S/N 003 Rad Silk Triple Case – Micro G Rad Silk Triple Case – 1G : Rad Silk Case LEGEND: : : : Rad Silk Ziplock Bag : 11 x 11 Ziplock Bag : Foam S/N 003 S/N 001S/N 002 S/N 003 S/N 004 S/N 001 S/N 002 S/N 001 S/N 002 S/N 003 No separation Rad Silk Triple Case – Micro G Rad Silk Triple Case – 1G Rad Silk Case Rad Silk Triple Case – Micro G (or – 1G) and Rad Silk Case S/N 004

8 Training Purposes Only JEM RAD SILK 31407 JMU-081189 (Ver. 1.1) 8 Key Points for Rad Silk Operations NOTE: Underlined key points have been covered by CBEF Advanced Training. CategoryKey Points Crew SafetyElectrical ShockBefore attaching/detaching the Canisters to/from the Sample Tray/ Centrifuge, turn off power to Canister by switches on the Sample Tray/Centrifuge. Entanglement with rotating device Verify visually through the Observation Window that the Centrifuge is not rotating before opening the door of the Incubator Unit 1G. When attaching/detaching the Canisters to/from the 1G Centrifuge, lock turntable of the Centrifuge. Time Critical OperationN/A Dos and Don’tsDo NOT touch inside Incubator Unit with bare hand to keep it clean. Be careful not to pinch fingers when releasing drawer locks of slide rails on Sample Tray/Centrifuge. Difficulty in OpsN/A Possible Mis-OpsN/A

9 Training Purposes Only JEM RAD SILK 31407 JMU-081189 (Ver. 1.1) 9 Appendix 1.Specification of Meas Exp Unit A 2.Schematic of Meas Exp Unit A 3.Photo of Meas Exp Unit A 4.Photo of Rad Silk Cases 5.Acronyms

10 Training Purposes Only JEM RAD SILK 31407 JMU-081189 (Ver. 1.1) 10 Specification of Meas Exp Unit A ItemSpecification Size239 x 166 x 102 mm Weight1585g Power+15V, -15V +12V (for future experiments) Temp Sensor20~45 deg C

11 Training Purposes Only JEM RAD SILK 31407 JMU-081189 (Ver. 1.1) 11 Schematic of Meas Exp Unit A CBEF Circuit Board Analog (A) (0~5V) Analog (B) (0~5V) Temperature Sensor (1) Temperature Sensor (2) +12V +15V -15V NTSC Shield Connector for future experiments Jumper SEL Relay circuit Amplifier circuit

12 Training Purposes Only JEM RAD SILK 31407 JMU-081189 (Ver. 1.1) 12 Overview Inside Photo of Meas Exp Unit A

13 Training Purposes Only JEM RAD SILK 31407 JMU-081189 (Ver. 1.1) 13 Photo of Rad Silk Cases Rad Silk Triple Case – Micro G and Rad Silk Case Rad Silk Triple Case – 1G and Rad Silk Case Temp Logger Dosimeter Moisture Bag Temp Logger Dosimeter Temp Logger Dosimeter Rad Silk Triple Case Rad Silk Case

14 Training Purposes Only JEM RAD SILK 31407 JMU-081189 (Ver. 1.1) 14 Acronyms CBEF IPU IU MELFI MLT MMA Cell Biology Experiment Facility Image Processing Unit Incubator Unit Minus Eighty degree Celsius Laboratory Freezer for ISS MMA Laptop Terminal Microgravity Measurement Apparatus

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