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ASAS TN2 Final Seminar Paris, 14 - 15 April 2008 Recommendations by the ASAS Thematic Network Ken Carpenter.

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Presentation on theme: "ASAS TN2 Final Seminar Paris, 14 - 15 April 2008 Recommendations by the ASAS Thematic Network Ken Carpenter."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASAS TN2 Final Seminar Paris, 14 - 15 April 2008 Recommendations by the ASAS Thematic Network Ken Carpenter

2 ASAS TN2 Final Seminar Paris, 14 - 15 April 2008 ASAS TN outputs From the website: “The main ASAS Thematic Network outputs consist in the sharing of the current knowledge on ASAS between all European stakeholders and in recommendations for future activities necessary to reach the operational use of ASAS applications.”

3 ASAS TN2 Final Seminar Paris, 14 - 15 April 2008 Content The Workshops The recommendations –Their number –Their nature –Some examples Some conclusions –Progress made –The role of the recommendations –The role of the ASAS TN

4 ASAS TN2 Final Seminar Paris, 14 - 15 April 2008 The Workshops Rome, April 2003: “ ASAS Operational Improvements – Dream or Reality?” Malmo, October 2003: “ASAS what does it mean operationally?” Toulouse, April 2004: “ASAS – Making it happen” Brighton, October 2004: “ASAS: Time for Decisions – The Way Forward” Malmo, September 2005: “Implementing ASAS” Rome, April 2006: “ASAS is an integral part of future ATM” Glasgow, September 2006: “ASAS: Civil and Uncivil Practices” Amsterdam, April 2007: “ASAS: A reality check” Toulouse, September 2007: “Equipping for ASAS: Ground and Airborne Industries”

5 ASAS TN2 Final Seminar Paris, 14 - 15 April 2008 The recommendations Diverse –in nature –and in presentation 60 recommendations were made –my count, after some arbitrary decisions –not evenly spread between Workshops Decided against showing them all –I have an informal paper Will show you one Workshop: Amsterdam, April 2007 Then themes and exceptions

6 ASAS TN2 Final Seminar Paris, 14 - 15 April 2008 Amsterdam, April 2007 Urgent - a few months: More effort is required urgently to describe concepts for the use of ASAS in a 4D environment in accordance with SESAR/NextGen timescales. Need to identify those applications that need to be fast-tracked… These concepts and priorities must be conveyed to the major stakeholders urgently in anticipation of SESAR master plan (D5) Urgent – a few years: … to support the use of ASAS on [the longer] SESAR/NextGen timescales, work on the standardisation and development of the [longer term] concepts … needs to commence now.

7 ASAS TN2 Final Seminar Paris, 14 - 15 April 2008

8 ASAS TN2 Final Seminar Paris, 14 - 15 April 2008 Orphan recommendations (1) 6 recommendations from the first Workshop (Rome, April 2003) included: Package 1 definition exists but fragile Need for pilot and controller acceptability Need for improved exchange of information We have come a long way The thrust was that we needed the ASAS TN

9 ASAS TN2 Final Seminar Paris, 14 - 15 April 2008 Orphan recommendations (2) The second Workshop made 16 recommendations Strong coordination between US and Europe (including terminology) is essential Share and learn from experience of local studies and implementations Security requirements must be addressed during ASAS application development and validation Encourage the development of regional implementation plans of globally-agreed applications [Analyse safety] and address contingency procedures for Separation and Self-Separation

10 ASAS TN2 Final Seminar Paris, 14 - 15 April 2008 Orphan recommendations (3) Thereafter the themes work – only four more orphans [The safety regulators must be involved to simplify and accelerate operational approval.] Need to involve the military because they have ASAS- like experience, airspace is shared and UAVs need to be accommodated. Produce a summary matrix of ASAS key issues Need to identify those applications that need to be fast- tracked …

11 ASAS TN2 Final Seminar Paris, 14 - 15 April 2008 Conclusions (1) We have come a long way in five years SESAR & NextGen include ASAS ASAS cooperates with CDM & trajectory management We used to talk tentatively of ATSA and spacing Now the focus is on airborne separation

12 ASAS TN2 Final Seminar Paris, 14 - 15 April 2008 Conclusions (2) Many recommendations have been overtaken by events –Sensible things to say at the time –Part of the background that led to reasonable outcome Many of the recommendations are fulfilled in current plans and structures The ASAS TN has acted as a forum –ideas developed and shared –everyone can come, learn and express their views –And very many did It has acted as a pressure group Now see what the Toulouse Workshop in 2004 concluded

13 ASAS TN2 Final Seminar Paris, 14 - 15 April 2008 Conclusions (3) “The ASAS-TN is a unique forum in the world and its main features are: It facilitates transatlantic global co-operation for global interoperability; It is a forum for all players: Industry, aircraft operators, ANSPs, regulatory authorities, pilot and controller associations, R&D centres, universities, etc. It contributes to a better understanding of the needs of the various players all over the globe. It is facilitating operational and technical standardisation. Better understanding allows the elaboration of consensus and the development of suitable solutions.”

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