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Paris Trip 2012. Travel Details You must be at school by 23.50 on Friday 30 th March If you are late, we WILL leave without you!

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Presentation on theme: "Paris Trip 2012. Travel Details You must be at school by 23.50 on Friday 30 th March If you are late, we WILL leave without you!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Paris Trip 2012

2 Travel Details You must be at school by 23.50 on Friday 30 th March If you are late, we WILL leave without you!

3 We will travel by coach to Dover, where we will get a ferry to Calais. The crossing takes 1 hr 15. We will give you some breakfast before we get on the ferry.

4 When we arrive in France….. We get back on the coach and drive to Paris. We will have some stops on the way for you to buy some lunch and use toilets.

5 We should arrive at the hotel in plenty of time for you to settle in and unpack before we go out for dinner.

6 Sunday Today we will visit the Eiffel Tower, go on a boat trip and do some shopping!

7 Monday Today we will go to DISNEYLAND!! We have the whole day here, including Walt Disney Studios.

8 Tuesday Today we start our journey home………

9 The journey home You will have breakfast before we leave, and we will bring packed lunches. Remember to keep some money to buy dinner in the evening. We should arrive back at St James at about 22.00.

10 Things to Remember If you get travel sick – TAKE YOUR MEDICINE!! You are responsible for your money – LOOK AFTER IT!

11 Things to Remember Bring a camera Bring something to do on the coach Bring a bottle that you can fill with water so that you don’t have to keep buying drinks

12 Things to Remember Any left over food must be offered to Mr Chalmers before it is thrown away!!

13 Things to Remember ENJOY YOURSELF!

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