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Welcome to 11AP Language & Composition. Ways in which you are “opening doors” for yourself”: 1)You have chosen to take the hardest, most rigorous English.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 11AP Language & Composition. Ways in which you are “opening doors” for yourself”: 1)You have chosen to take the hardest, most rigorous English."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 11AP Language & Composition

2 Ways in which you are “opening doors” for yourself”: 1)You have chosen to take the hardest, most rigorous English class in the 11th grade, perhaps in the entire school. 2)You have chosen to take a class difficult enough and complex enough to be deemed a college course. (AP Audit) 3)You have chosen to take this course in the midst of your hardest academic year-- the year of the SAT, Varsity sports, getting jobs, holding leadership positions, preparing for college, etc.

3 This will pay off… 1)You will gain skills of a college student in terms of time management, study skills, critical thinking, close reading, and concise writing. 2)Your transcripts will reflect that you chose to challenge yourself. Transcripts are becoming the #1 criteria for college acceptance UCLA stats

4 37,800 applicants 4,200 spots 50% met academic criteria 14, 500 earned a 4.0 or above What does this stat show? GRADE INFLATION!!

5 So… if you can’t count on GPA or class rank, then what? #1 criteria= Quality of courses Who has done the most and performed at the highest levels? What AP Exams have you taken and what scores did you earn? What were your SAT results? What else have you done to show that you are well- rounded, a productive citizen, and a curious individual?

6 And lastly, you have the opportunity to be tangibly rewarded for your efforts by: Earning college credit (for the writing course or elective credit) Saving $$ Class priority (Sophomore credits) Housing options Taking Major classes earlier Taking elective classes Study abroad Easier to minor or double major

7 So what is this class anyway? Language –Spoken, written, “visual” word –The use of language to convey emotions, ideas, agendas Composition –Your ability to organize information in a logical, cogent way –Development of your voice

8 What will we do? Solve world hunger Examine non-fiction (this is the focus of our reading) Examine language and how it’s used Read fiction (Am. Lit) on our own Write, write, write, write, write, write Model others writing Revise, revise, revise, revise, revise Research Reference Harry Potter Expand our lexicon Discover new ways to learn Want to punch Mrs. Kitchens in the face Explore ways to make our writing sing!

9 I’m super concerned about my grade Do you trust me? –I promise to tell you when it’s time to worry Ms. Schumacher did you a favor Learning vs. GPA –10 years from now, which will be more important? –My honest assessment Soft points Remember the blind NASA challenge?

10 The AP Exam Game Day: May 16 1.Multiple Choice (50-60 questions) 2.Free Response 1.Argument 2.Literary Analysis (Non-fiction) 3.Synthesis Expectations? Will I pass?

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