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United States Fire Administration Chief Officer Training Curriculum Human Resource Development Module 7: Supporting the Workforce.

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Presentation on theme: "United States Fire Administration Chief Officer Training Curriculum Human Resource Development Module 7: Supporting the Workforce."— Presentation transcript:

1 United States Fire Administration Chief Officer Training Curriculum Human Resource Development Module 7: Supporting the Workforce

2 United States Fire Administration HRD 7-2 Objectives  Analyze personal time management habits and create strategies for improvement  List and describe four different types of planning and scheduling likely to be performed by the chief officer  Identify delegation strategies for improved human resource management

3 United States Fire Administration HRD 7-3 Covey Time Management Matrix Tasks and activities are divided into four quadrants:  Urgent and important  Important but not urgent  Not important but urgent  Neither urgent nor important

4 United States Fire Administration HRD 7-4 Urgent and Important Tasks  Cannot be ignored and need your immediate attention  Some tasks are both urgent and important

5 United States Fire Administration HRD 7-5 Important But Not Urgent Tasks  Easily interrupted by urgent but not so important tasks  Accomplishment will lessen the tasks you have in “urgent and important”

6 United States Fire Administration HRD 7-6 Not Important But Urgent Tasks  Easily confused with important and urgent tasks.  Urgent does not always equate to important.

7 United States Fire Administration HRD 7-7 Neither Urgent Nor Important Tasks  Total time wasters  Avoid these tasks or activities

8 United States Fire Administration HRD 7-8 Time Management Strategies  Plan and set priorities  Plan and set priorities  Create to-do lists with prioritized items  Create to-do lists with prioritized items  Schedule your most difficult tasks during your most productive time of the day  Stop rationalizing  When possible, delegate tasks

9 United States Fire Administration HRD 7-9 Time Management Strategies (continued)  Keep the lines of communication open  Do not be a perfectionist  Use free time wisely  Ensure instructions are clear

10 United States Fire Administration HRD 7-10 Activity 7-1: Time Management  Time: –Total Time: 40 minutes –Discussion Time: 20 minutes  Purpose: To help students analyze personal time management habits and create strategies for improvement.

11 United States Fire Administration HRD 7-11 Urgent Not Urgent Important I.II. Not Important Not Important III.IV. Covey’s Time Management Matrix

12 United States Fire Administration HRD 7-12 Gantt Chart Example

13 United States Fire Administration HRD 7-13 Activity 7-2: Planning and Scheduling  Time: –Total Time: 20 minutes –Discussion Time: 10 minutes  Purpose: To introduce students to the numerous types of planning and scheduling responsibilities of a chief officer.

14 United States Fire Administration HRD 7-14 Benefits of Delegation What are the benefits of delegation?

15 United States Fire Administration HRD 7-15 Delegate Authority Not Responsibility  Does not relieve chief officer of responsibility  Does not relieve person to whom the task delegated of accountability

16 United States Fire Administration HRD 7-16 Delegate to Qualified People Delegate only when you expect success.

17 United States Fire Administration HRD 7-17 Delegation Strategies What are some strategies for delegating tasks?

18 United States Fire Administration HRD 7-18 To Delegate or Not to Delegate What tasks should you delegate?

19 United States Fire Administration HRD 7-19 Activity 7-3: Delegation Practice  Time: –Total Time: 55 minutes –Discussion Time: 30 minutes  Purpose: –To help students identify delegation strategies for improved human resource management –To give students practice in the delegation decision process

20 United States Fire Administration HRD 7-20 Summary  Analyzed personal time management habits and created strategies for improvement  Identified planning and scheduling responsibilities for chief officers  Identified delegation benefits and strategies

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