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The College Application Process at Solon High School Class of 2013 SHS College Counselors for Seniors: Mrs. Wendy DingmanA-De Mr. Rick NowakDf-Ho Ms. Ann.

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Presentation on theme: "The College Application Process at Solon High School Class of 2013 SHS College Counselors for Seniors: Mrs. Wendy DingmanA-De Mr. Rick NowakDf-Ho Ms. Ann."— Presentation transcript:

1 The College Application Process at Solon High School Class of 2013 SHS College Counselors for Seniors: Mrs. Wendy DingmanA-De Mr. Rick NowakDf-Ho Ms. Ann BruceHp-Mc Mrs. Kathleen KinneyMd-See Mrs. Anne JohnsSef-Z SHS College Planning Support Staf SHS College Planning Support Staff: Ms. Carol RymazSecretary College NOW ConsultantFinancial Aid Ms. Vicki CrossEssay Consultant

2 So far, so good in 9 th -11 th Practice tests: Explore, PLAN, PSAT Practice tests: Explore, PLAN, PSAT College/career search and discovery College/career search and discovery Annual meetings with counselors Annual meetings with counselors Résumé created in 11 th grade Résumé created in 11 th grade ACT and SAT testing ACT and SAT testing College exploration and visitation College exploration and visitation

3 Beginning of 12 th Grade   I have a list of colleges that match my profile and interests.   I have taken SAT and/or ACT. (SAT IIs ?)   I have registered for a fall SAT/ACT if needed to raise scores.   I have completed the Student/Parent Questionnaires & Transcript Release Form and submitted to counselor.   I have updated my résumé and given copy to counselor.

4 Where do we go from here??? 1. 1.Meet with your counselor for specific help and guidance in September. ( Counselors will send you a pass. Have your questions written down to bring to your appointment.) 2. 2.Request letters of recommendation if needed 3. 3.Register/Complete ACT/SAT/SATII testing 4. 4.Meet with Ms. Cross if essays are required 5. 5.APPLY!!!

5 Three Basic Steps in Applying to College 1. 1.Apply online to the college/university. 2. 2.Send test scores to college/university via ACT/College Board websites. 3. 3.Request transcripts and recommendation letters.

6 But there’s more to consider…   Does this application need an essay?   How many recommendation letters are required for this application?   Does this college/university use the Common Application? Is there a supplement?   Does this college/university require SAT IIs?   Do I send all scores or only my best scores?

7 College Admission Timeline   SEPTEMBER – NOVEMBER   Meet with counselor for individual appointment   Write essays/consult with Ms. Cross   Request recommendation letters IN PERSON then on Naviance   Complete ACT/SAT testing   Attend College Representative Visits to SHS   APPLY   Seniors/parents may meet with the representative from College Now Greater Cleveland for financial aid guidance   JANUARY – MARCH   Seniors/parents complete FAFSA form   Seniors complete local scholarship applications   MAY 1 st – National deadline for college commitment/deposit

8 What is most important in college admissions? Top three factors that “open the door”: Grades Test Scores Strength of Curriculum Next three factors that can help make the final decision: Essay Letters of recommendation Extracurricular activities/leadership

9 Pointers for Students   Take charge of your college application process   Stay organized: forms, deadlines, requirements   Communicate with your parents, counselor and recommending-teachers throughout the process   Focus on the right fit for you, not the most “name-brand school” or where your friend is applying   Don’t panic! Counselors are here to help you through the process

10 Pointers for Parents   Let your student control the application process. Offer support, but do not do the applications for him/her.   Reassure your son or daughter that you will be proud, regardless of the admission decisions.   Use the resources: the Guidance website, Naviance, Senior Packet and SHS information sessions, to help understand and navigate the process.   Remember, there is a school out there for everyone. Help your student find the right fit.



13 Student Athletes: NCAA Eligibility


15 QUESTION:  If I apply online, am I done?

16 ANSWER:   No! In addition to online completion: - Request transcript via Naviance - Request teacher letters if needed - Go online to have test scores sent

17 QUESTION: What happens if I apply online and then receive an email stating that the Admissions Office did not yet receive my transcript and other materials from Guidance? What happens if I apply online and then receive an email stating that the Admissions Office did not yet receive my transcript and other materials from Guidance?

18 ANSWER:   Don’t worry! Online submission needs to catch up with what is sent from the Guidance Office.   Check Naviance to confirm status.

19 QUESTION:  Should I wait until I retake the ACT/SAT to submit my applications to colleges?

20 ANSWER:   Complete and send applications ASAP.   Have scores sent later directly from the testing agency.   Remember, scholarship deadlines will not allow for late scores.

21 QUESTION:  What is the advantage of completing college applications early?

22 ANSWER:   Goal: applications submitted before Thanksgiving!   Advantage for rolling admissions: student will be notified sooner regarding admissions.   More scholarship and financial award opportunities earlier in the application season (before Dec 1)

23 QUESTION:  Do grades really count senior year? Don’t high school transcripts just show grades 9 through 11?

24 ANSWER:   Yes! Transcripts in the fall only reflect final grades from 9 th -11 th grade.   Senior year does matter!   Colleges expect to see 7 th semester transcript and a final transcript.   Admission status can be revoked if your transcript shows a decline in performance.

25 QUESTION:  With the “Score Choice” program implemented by the College Board, do you recommend just sending the best scores?

26 ANSWER:   Some colleges require scores from all tests taken. Some use best sub-scores from different test dates.   Generally, we recommend sending all test scores from all tests.   Consult with your SHS counselor.

27 QUESTION:  Must my letters of recommendation be from teachers?

28 ANSWER:   The recommender should know you well.   The recommender could be a teacher, administrator, coach, club advisor, employer, youth leader, or peer.   Be sure to follow the instructions of the application.   If the recommender is not an SHS teacher (using Naviance), give him/her an addressed/stamped envelope to mail directly to the college.

29 QUESTION:  How has the economic downturn impacted student choices regarding colleges?

30 ANSWER:   Increase in applications to public universities   Greater interest in merit-based scholarships   Increase in Early Decision/Early Action apps   Some adding financial-safety schools   Some choosing two-year colleges then transferring to four-year universities   Many choosing in-state schools to ensure credit for AP work

31 QUESTION:  Could you recommend any resources or books which would be helpful at this stage of the application process?

32 ANSWER:   SHS Counselors   College Now Representative (financial aid)   Ms. Cross (essay)   Naviance - our college counseling website   Guidance Website – which also provides many college resource documents and website links   Guidance section in the monthly PTA Newsletter   Quarterly postcards   College Rep Visits to SHS for seniors

33 ANSWER: (continued)   Seniors may attend sessions of our 2012-2013 College Seminar Series: Sept 27Using the Common Application Oct 25Reviewing the Application Process Dec 6Seniors Seeking Scholarships April 11College Decision Time for Seniors

34 ANSWER: (continued)   Helpful Books: - -Colleges That Change Lives by Loren Pope - -The Gatekeepers-Inside the Admissions Process of a Premier College by Jacques Steinberg - -Getting In-Inside the College Admissions Process by Bill Paul - -Student’s Guide to Colleges-The Definitive Guide to America’s Top 100 Schools

35 College is not a prize to be won... to be won... but rather a match to be found. to be found.

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