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Fedora at the National Library of Scotland James Toon IS Development Manager 0131 623 3770.

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Presentation on theme: "Fedora at the National Library of Scotland James Toon IS Development Manager 0131 623 3770."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fedora at the National Library of Scotland James Toon IS Development Manager 0131 623 3770

2 The TDR project at NLS To preserve and manage digital content of enduring value to the Nation. Its core drivers are; The 2003 Legal Deposit Libraries Act, which extended our legal deposit privilege to non-print materials The need to preserve our growing collection of digitised material The need to preserve digital collection we have purchased The potential to host and preserve digital content for partner institutions in Scotland

3 Where are we now……. Project ‘started’ in late 2006 (funding agreed via Scottish Government) Client sign off of PID in March 2007 Development and feasibility work started in May 2007 A few false starts, but ‘real’ product development started March 2008 Mass storage system installed Oct 2007 as a separate project

4 Why did we choose Fedora? Allowed for flexible object models Scalable and adaptable Ability to integrate web services Flexible security and access management The incorporation of semantic web elements The TDR is intended as a generic digital asset management system.

5 The story so far Very basic repository implementation (Fedora 3.0 running off SQL Server 2008) Storage infrastructure in place Simple disseminators Generic discovery system (s) Web Archive Hosted repository system (for IR’s)

6 How we are doing it Predominantly Microsoft based development (C#, WCF,.NET 3.5,LINQ) Use of SQL2008 as database Internal management issues with more ‘traditional’ open source approaches RIA interface developed with Adobe Flex (Using Flex builder 3) No firm decision about how open the system will be just yet.


8 Hosted Repository System In line with core themes published in the recent NLS corporate plan Open access is driving the research infrastructure into a more public information infrastructure NLS sees itself as part of the repository landscape in Scotland Developing its role through current work with IRIScotland and partners














22 So, what's next? Dig deeper into Fedora Enhance existing user interface for HRS Develop the SIP service Implement disseminator services Start to formalise content models Develop deposit interface to accommodate specific digital object needs (for customers!) Recruitment – looking to ramp up work this year

23 More than just technical… Developing a sustainable business model for services (thorny issue) Building the trust of the user community Ensure a flexible system is in place that can be tailored to specific resources and individual needs Digital preservation. Decisions and actions

24 Any questions? Thank you

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