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SINGAPORE From Crown Colony to Independent Nation.

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2 SINGAPORE From Crown Colony to Independent Nation

3 1.Post-War Political Changes in Singapore 2.Post-War Political Changes in Malaysia 3.Malaysia 4.The Road to Merger 5.Negotiations and Points of Agreement 6.External Pressures 7.Formation of Malaysia 8.Trouble in Malaysia 9.Separation 10.Facing the Future

4 3.The Road to Merger  The Tunku’s Proposal  Responses in Singapore  Referendum

5 ROAD TO MERGER 27 May 1961 : Tunku visited Singapore Raised the idea of a Federation of Malaysia Malaya, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak (British colonies) PROPOSAL FOR THE FORMATION OF MALAYSIA


7 SECURITY Main reason was for SECURITY Tunku Abdul Rahman – Tunku Abdul Rahman, the Malayan PM was worried that Singapore might fall to the communists – Might grow too strong for the PAP government to deal with – Worries of a communist government at their doorstep – communists could use Singapore as a base to overthrow the Malayan government MALAYA’S REASONS ROAD TO MERGER

8 Alamak! We would then have communists right at our doorstep. Mati, lah! You can be sure they would not rest until they have destroyed our country and set up a communist government!


10 Tunku alarmed when PAP lost an important by-election in Hong Lim constituency in Apr 1961 PAP lost another by-election in July 1961 to David Marshall of the Workers’ Party Made Tunku even more worried Problem of Chinese outnumbering Malays resolved with inclusion of Sabah and Sarawak MALAYA’S REASONS ROAD TO MERGER

11 Why? Britain did not object. Why? Britain wanted to grant independence to these colonies but were worried about their survival Believed that stability of these states would be secured if they joined Malaysia Would make a strong and stable government Britain would be able to end colonial rule without worrying that we might be controlled by another foreign power PROPOSAL FOR THE FORMATION OF MALAYSIA ROAD TO MERGER

12 PAP welcomed Tunku’s proposal M’sia – hinterland to provide raw materials Market for Singapore’s goods Communists were against the proposal For a good reason – anti-communist Malayan government Different responses split the party into 2 groups : pro-merger and anti-merger PAP vs Barisan Socialis RESPONSES IN SINGAPORE ROAD TO MERGER

13 BS against merger (which term upset them?) Started a campaign to persuade the people not to support the government’s plan referendum The government conducted a referendum on 1 Sep 1962 to find out the people’s choice ROAD TO MERGER

14 Result : 71% supported the PAP government’s plan It was a victory for the PAP government over the pro- communists Also showed that the majority of the people supported the PAP government ROAD TO MERGER

15 4.Negotiations and Points of Agreement  Common Market  The Borneo Loan  Constitutional Matters  Citizenship  Malay Rights

16 5.External Pressures  Indonesia  Philippines

17 Why did Sukarno opposed the formation of Malaysia? 1.Sabah & Sarawak should come under the control of Indonesia instead of Malaysia 2.He was also influenced by the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) which was against the anti- communist government in Malaya 3.The Confrontation policy diverted the people’s attention from the problems they were facing as a result of Indonesia’s economic policies EXTERNAL PRESSURES

18 The Philippines objected as it claimed that Sabah rightfully belonged to them But it did not have enough evidence to prove its case

19 a christ church history production Copyright reserved

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