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Chapter 1: Singapore – A Nation in The World

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1 Chapter 1: Singapore – A Nation in The World

2 What will you be learning today?
What does it mean to be a nation? What were the challenges Singapore faced as a newly independent state?

3 ‘Country’, ‘State’, ‘Nation’
What does the term ‘country’ refer to?

4 ‘Country’, ‘State’, ‘Nation’
What does the term ‘country’ refer to? An area of land that is ruled by a government Geographical location of a group of people.

5 What does the term ‘state’ refer to?

6 ‘Country’, ‘State’, ‘Nation’
What does the term ‘state’ refer to? The system of government within an area of land This system of government develops and enforces laws to organise the country and citizens Regulated by the Constitution (a separate set of laws) which ensures the stability of the government even when there is a change in the political party ruling the country

7 What does the term ‘nation’ refer to?

8 ‘Country’, ‘State’, ‘Nation’
What does the term ‘nation’ refer to? Formed when a group of people accepted one and another and share a common bond like common lineage, culture or historical experiences

9 Thinking Time! Can you think of how Singaporeans of different races form a bond with one and another?

10 Let’s imagine … You have just being elected PRESIDENT of a newly independent state, how do you think you should handle following issues? What kind of government should you have? WHY? In what ways can you take care of your citizens? WHY? How should you handle your state’s relationships with other countries? WHY? What else can you do to improve the society? WHY?

11 Challenges a state faces…
Establishing a stable government Building a nation (national identity & social cohesion) Maintaining sovereignty (deterrence & diplomacy) Meeting people’s needs (social needs & economic needs)

12 Challenges that Singapore faces as an independent state…
Small island surrounded by larger neighbors and therefore easily affected by the events in the neighbouring countries Lack of natural resources and therefore dependent on other countries for important resources

13 How should Singapore overcome these constraints
Needs to be resourceful in building on its strengths and overcoming its limitations Has to be adaptable to the changes in Southeast Asia and the world

14 Singapore’s Road to Independence

15 1942-1945: The Awakening Surrender of the British
Start of Japanese Occupation Development of nationalistic feelings

16 1947: Year of Strikes 1954 – 1955: Communist Terror
Shortages in employment & housing S’poreans dissatisfied with the British Communist activities 1954 – 1955: Communist Terror Communists wanted to gain power Organised strikes & riots to force government to give in to their demands

17 1955: Limited Self-Government
Granted limited self-government but not independence as British not confident of Singapore’s ability to govern herself due to the following reasons: Singapore did not have large-scale industries or agriculture to support the population The British feared that the Communists would come to rule Singapore British wanted to use Singapore as a military base and commercial centre in SA

18 1959 – 1963: Becoming a state & Towards Merger
1959: PAP won the election Merger with Malaysia to form the Federation of Malaysia in order to obtain independence Unity of all races Purity & Integrity Action

19 1963: Opposition to Merger Indonesia and the Philippines objected to the merger Unhappiness over inclusion of Sabah, Sarawak & Brunei Indonesian Confrontation Philippines broke off diplomatic relations with Malaysia

20 1964: Race Riots Conflict between the government of Malaysia and Singapore Communal VS non-communal politics Race riots sparked off by some extreme members of the Federal government

21 1965: Independence Social unrest & disagreement over economic matters lead to separation

22 Challenges that Singapore faces as a newly independent state
Stable government and social needs Economic challenge Sovereignty Social cohesion and National identity

23 Stable government & social needs

24 Basic needs of Singaporeans (E.g. education, healthcare)
Support of Singaporeans Stable government

25 Economic Challenges Widespread unemployment and poverty in the 1960s
Need to create enough jobs for people Need to plan for economic development so Singapore could continue to grow

26 Sovereignty Singapore had to rely entirely on the small population to defend itself Gain recognition from other states Build good relations and establish friendships with others

27 Social Cohesion & National Identity
Tension between different ethnic groups after the Indonesian Confrontation and race riots Immigrants who were still loyal to their homeland Thus there was a need to create a bond among people and develop a national identity Instill confidence and belief in people that Singapore could survive as a nation

28 What does it mean to be a nation?
What are some of the challenges that a state may face? What are Singapore’s natural constraints? What were some of the challenges faced by Singapore as a newly-independent state?

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