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Senior College Night Mullen High School September 2, 2015 Ms. Santillo, Director of College Counseling, L-Z x3338 Mrs. Eggleston,

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1 Senior College Night Mullen High School September 2, 2015 Ms. Santillo, Director of College Counseling, L-Z x3338 Mrs. Eggleston, College Counselor, A-K x3312 Text @mullencollegeprep to 23559 for important reminders

2 Agenda  College Application List  Deadline Terminology  Student Responsibilities & the Transcript Request Process  College Counselor Responsibilities  Testing  Naviance & the Common App  Applications & Essays  Financial Aid & Scholarships  College Visits & Fairs  NCAA/NAIA Eligibility Centers & Student-Athlete Recruitment

3 The College Application List  The average number of colleges to which a Mullen student applies is five.  It is recommended that students diversify their list of colleges, applying to schools ranging from most likely to be accepted to those that are a reach. Foundation Target Reach  Statistics from the previous year’s admission pool for that college are good measures to compare your credentials (i.e., Average SAT/ACT score, Average GPA, Percentage of Applicants admitted).

4 Naviance Scattergrams

5 Deadline/Decision Terminology  Early Action  Restrictive Early Action  Early Decision  Priority  Regular Decision  Rolling


7 Student Responsibilities for Applying  Application, Application fee to the college  Standardized test scores to the college (Mullen does NOT release)  Essay (email a copy to your College Counselor for feedback)  Any essay or other supplements required by the college  Activities list or résumé (Can create in Naviance)  Submitting transcript requests ($3 each) to your College Counselor a MINIMUM OF 15 DAYS prior to your deadline

8 Student Responsibilities for Applying  Teacher recommendations (2 teachers from academic subjects) Provide teacher with helpful information about you (blue Teacher Rec form from last spring, Activities Résumé, etc.) Thank them!!  Counselor recommendations See Counselor writing your rec to provide required information Keep them in the loop and thank them!!  Any recommendations from people outside of Mullen (optional)

9 Student Responsibilities for Transcript Requests  Transcript Requests will not be processed unless a student has a Mullen Transcript Release Form on file with the College Counselors  $3.00 fee per transcript/college  See your College Counselor to fill out the pink Mullen Transcript Request Form a MINIMUM of 15 days before application deadlines  All Early Decision/Early Action Transcript Requests are due no later than OCTOBER 15, 2015  All Transcript Requests for a deadline during Christmas Break (Dec. 31, Jan. 1, Jan. 2, etc.) are due no later than DECEMBER 7, 2015

10 Mullen Transcripts  Transcripts have all 9 th, 10 th, and 11 th courses listed with grades. 12 th grade courses are also listed.  T1 and T2 grades are added to your transcript once available. Transcripts sent two weeks after T1 finals will have T1 grades listed. Transcripts sent two weeks after T2 finals will have T2 grades listed.  T1 grades may be requested by colleges for students who have applied Early Action/Early Decision.  In December, Mullen automatically sends the Mid-Year Report to those colleges to which you have applied. The Mid-Year Report includes T1 senior grades.  Final Year Grades are automatically sent to the college to which you inform us you will be attending.

11 College Counselor Responsibilities Oversee the college search and application process.  Provide feedback and recommend colleges to consider.  Help determine which colleges are foundation, target, and reach schools.  Meet individually and in groups with students/parents to form college application plans and timeline to apply.  Provide essay feedback. Help proofread applications.  Prepare students for interviews.

12 College Counselor Responsibilities Also…  Assist student-athletes with the college recruitment process.  Assist with scholarship search and financial aid questions.  Help students make the final decision.  Answer questions. Offer support.  Be your “College Coach”  Celebrate acceptances!

13 College Counselor Responsibilities Once a pink Transcript Request Form is completed, your Mullen Counselor will provide and submit to colleges:  Secondary School Report  Transcript (with Trimester 1 and Trimester 2 grades once available)  Counselor letter of recommendation  Teacher letters of recommendation  Mullen School Profile  Final transcript/graduation confirmation (sent automatically once available)

14 Testing – what to know Seniors may retake the ACT, SAT, and/or SAT Subject Tests in the fall of their senior year. Mullen CEEB code: 060-600NCAA Clearinghouse: 9999 Reporting Scores to Colleges  Students are expected to keep records concerning their own testing results.  Students are responsible for reporting their scores directly to the colleges.  Note: Students can request which test dates can be forwarded to colleges. Non-Report Testing Options  Approximately 850 four-year colleges and universities deemphasize the use of standardized tests in making admissions decisions by offering waiver or non- report options.  For a complete listing of schools with Non-Report Testing Options, go to

15 Testing – dates and deadlines Seniors may retake the ACT, SAT, and/or SAT Subject Tests in the fall of their senior year. Mullen CEEB code: 060-600NCAA Clearinghouse: 9999  ACT – Sept. 12, 2015 – Register by Aug. 7 (or register with Late Fee by Aug. 21) Oct. 24, 2015 – Register by Sept. 18 (or register with Late Fee by Oct. 2) Dec. 12, 2015 – Register by Nov. 6 (or register with Late Fee by Nov. 20)  SAT – Oct. 3, 2015 – Register by Sept. 3 (or register with Late Fee by Sept. 22) Nov. 7, 2015 – Register by Oct. 9 (or register with Late Fee by Oct. 27) Dec. 1, 2015 – Register by Nov. 5 (or register with Late Fee by Nov. 23)  Test Prep at Mullen! Sunday, Sept. 20, 2015 – SAT/PSAT prep in Student Life Center – Register at Sunday, Oct. 4, 2015 – ACT prep in the Rilko – Register at

16 Naviance & the Common App  Consider using the Common App if you are applying to at least two Common App schools. Use Naviance to figure out which of your schools accept the Common App.  There is no advantage to using the Common App over the college’s own application or vice versa.  Your Naviance email = Your Common App email  When completing the FERPA waiver in the Common App, we highly recommend that you agree to WAIVE. This helps strengthen your application.  DO NOT INVITE YOUR REC WRITERS THROUGH THE COMMON APP – This will be done through Naviance.

17 Application Sections  Course Listings – 10 sections but 15 classes  Standardized Tests – list what you intend to send as official  Activities Section – List all 9 th -12 th activities (even ones not yet completed – i.e. winter/spring theater or sports activities) in order of importance to YOU - #1 should be your favorite If you have more than 10 activities, try grouping things together. Don’t forget to include your service work, employment, etc.  Honors Section – Subject Awards, Honors Societies, Torch Awards, etc.  Residency Section – Have your parents nearby to help you fill out this section!  Additional Information Section – OPTIONAL – “if you wish to provide details of circumstances or qualifications not reflected in the application.” (Common App) This is a good place to include information not presented elsewhere in your application. For example, if you experienced something that has impacted your academic record or ACT/SAT performance.

18 College Essays  Do: Write an interesting narrative essay that demonstrates the qualities you want a college to appreciate about you. Provide evidence of those qualities. (“Show, don’t tell.”) Remember your reader. Use your voice. Re-use your essays for different colleges where possible!  Don’t: Re-state the prompt. Use a title. Write just what you think the college wants to hear. Use a different college’s name in your essay.

19 Financial Aid & Scholarships  Explore financial aid and scholarship opportunities in the Fall  Financial Aid/Scholarship search links on Mullen->Affording College  Attend Mullen Financial Aid Night – December 8, 2015  January 1: FAFSA application available on web at  Complete CSS/Profile if it is required for college at  A copy of all merit-award scholarship letters must be turned in to your College Counselor. Please keep these!  College Opportunity Fund – apply now at for in-state schools  Net Price Calculators

20 College Visits & Fairs  Over 100 College Reps visit Mullen each year! Sign up in Naviance 24 hours in advance and get a pass from your College Counselor.  Wed. Sept. 9 – JET College Fair (during lunch in Rilko)  Wed. Oct. 7 – Out-of-State College Fair (Monarch H.S., 6:00PM- 8:00PM)  Thurs. Oct. 8 – Out-of-State College Fair (Lakewood H.S., 6:00PM- 8:00PM)  Sun. Oct. 10 – In-State and Out-of-State College Fair (Mountain Vista H.S., 10:00AM-12:30PM)  See the College Event Calendar: design/pages/academics/2015-bootstrap-college-planning-page design/pages/academics/2015-bootstrap-college-planning-page

21 NCAA/NAIA Eligibility Centers & Student-Athlete Recruitment  All prospective student-athletes must register with the appropriate Eligibility Center NCAA: NAIA:  Be sure to send the results of at least one ACT/SAT to the NCAA (code: 9999) or NAIA (code: 9876)  Sending Transcripts NCAA: Mullen automatically sends your transcript once you register, as well as your final transcript once you graduate NAIA: You must complete a “US High School Students Cover Page” ( for your College Counselor in order for your current and final transcript to be sent

22 Dates to Know  Transcript Request Forms (due 15 days prior to deadline) October 15 th – Early Action/Early Decision apps December 7 th – Regular Decision apps  Wed. Sept. 9 – Common App Workshop – 8-9AM (SLC)  Wed. Sept. 9 – JET College Fair (during lunch in Rilko)  Wed. Oct. 14 – College App Workshop – 8AM-noon (SLC)  Tues. Dec. 8 – Financial Aid Night (Rilko)  January 1 st – FAFSA is available – do your taxes ASAP!  February 15 th – FAFSA due date (most colleges)  May 1 st – National Candidates Reply Date

23 Contact Information Ms. Santillo, Director of College Counseling, L-Z x3338 Mrs. Eggleston, College Counselor, A-K kimberly.eggleston@mullenhigh.comkimberly.eggleston@mullenhigh.comx3312 Text @mullencollegeprep to 23559 for important reminders

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