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Published byNaomi Norris Modified over 9 years ago
Demonstrating Library Value: Practical Approaches to Effective and Sustainable Library Assessment Steve Hiller Director, Assessment and Planning University of Washington Libraries, Seattle USA Martha Kyrillidou Director, Statistics and Service Quality Programs Association of Research Libraries Washington D.C. Haifa University 2 April 2008
Free speech wall, Charlottesville, Sept 2006
Clear and present danger Bangor University considers removing librarians posted by Blake on Thursday January 27, 2005 @07:30AM -753 hits Ms Information writes "News from the University of Wales Bangor in the UK. senior management no longer feel that subject librarians / academic liaison librarians are needed in the modern academic library. They have made restructuring proposals which include removing all but one of the subject librarians and a tier of the library management, including the Head of Bibliographic Services. The university management thinks that technology has 'deskilled' literature searching. As far as I know, this proposal is unprecedented in the United Kingdom. In essence, there will remain 4 professional librarians serving a 'research-led' university of 8,000 plus FTEs and with 8 library sites. These will be the university librarian, cataloguing librarian, acquisitions librarian and Law librarian.Blake Ms Information Has anything like this happened anywhere that you know of? If so, what have been the effects?
Assessment Librarian
What’s Driving the Assessment Agenda Environmental Changes –Exploding growth in use and applications of technology –Increased customer expectations for services, including quality and responsiveness –“Competition” from other sources Budgetary Constraints –Justification for spending $$$ on libraries –Increasing competition for resources –Cost savings and/or reallocation Justifying our Existence –Fighting to remain relevant
The Challenge for Libraries Traditional statistics/measures don’t demonstrate the Library’s value –Emphasize inputs, expenditures, acquisitions, holdings – how big and how much –Can no longer tell the library’s story –May not be aligned with library/organizational goals and plans –Don’t define and measure service quality Need metrics describing outcomes: success and value from the user’s perspective Provide the organizational culture, structure, tools, & skill sets needed for libraries to acquire & use this information What difference do we make to our communities?
The Role of Library Assessment Library assessment provides a structured process to learn about our communities, their work and the libraries connection to what they do The information acquired through library assessment is used in an iterative manner to improve library programs and services and make our libraries responsive to the needs of our communities. Libraries do not exist in a vacuum but are part of a larger organization and community. Assessment may take place at the library level as well as at the broader community level.
Library Assessment Provides Information That Can Be Used for: Accountability and justification Measure progress/achievement Improvement of services Comparison with others Identify changing use and needs patterns –Remote/In-person –Relevancy of current services and resources –New services Marketing and promotion Telling “our” story Decisions based on data, not assumptions –Assumicide!
Customer-Centered Library and the Culture of Assessment Customer-Centered Library All services and activities are viewed through the eyes of the customers Customers determine quality Library services and resources add value to the customer Culture of Assessment Organizational environment in which decisions are based on facts, research and analysis, Services are planned and delivered to maximize positive customer outcomes It’s about making our academic community successful
What Do We Need to Know About Our Customers? Who are our customers (and potential customers)? What do they do? How is information used in their work? How do they work? What’s important to them? How do libraries support work, learning, leisure and life? How do they use library services? What would they change? How do they differ from each other in library use/needs? How does the library add value to their work or needs? How does the library contribute to their success?
Understanding Our Communities is Critical Your communities need library services which are embedded in their: –Workflows –Learnflows –Leisureflows –Lifeflows Engage with their languages and their processes of learning, research, leisure and … life Learn what’s important to them Because they may not come to you Support learning, research and life where they occur – and surface that support within their lifeflows
How Do We Get Customer Information? Surveys Usage statistics Focus groups Observation Usability Interviews Embedding Data mining (local, institutional) Logged activities Comments, suggestions, “over the counter”
Which Services Do We Assess Services that are strategically and operationally important Services that are critical to the success of the library AND the community Services that are mandated for review High performing, heavily used services –Recognize their success; ensure sufficient resources High performing, but underused services –Is marketing needed? –Is the service outmoded? Poorly performing services –Can they be fixed? Should they be discontinued? New services
Choosing the Assessment Method Define the question and need before you start? Is there existing information you can use? Is the method appropriate? Is it timely? Is it cost effective? What expertise is needed to conduct and analyze? How will the results be used? Are you assessing what’s important? Are you assessing what’s important to your community?
Using Existing Information Community/institutional data sources Previous assessment efforts (library/organization) Library use data (including e-metrics) Acquisition requests and interlibrary loan data Computer/Web log data Comparative or trend data from other sources
User Surveys Is what I think what is really widely believe? Generalizability Reaching large numbers of people Comparing groups and subgroups Measuring underlying concepts in a reliable and valid way Recognized as a legitimate way of collecting information Survey population factors –Sample size, representativeness, response rate, survey fatigue –Types: transaction-based, print-mailed, web, phone Expertise needed for design, analysis and interpretation Questions often asked from “our” perspective & language Recognize the value of your respondent’s time
Why would I (or you) respond to a survey? Reasons for Survey Response Civic duty Personal connection Authority Public/social good Self-interest Reciprocation Incentives Feel strongly about...
Qualitative Approaches Increasing use of such qualitative methods as comments interviews, focus groups, usability, observation Statistics often can’t tell us –Who, how, why –Value, impact, outcomes Qualitative provides information directly from users –Their language –Their issues –Their work Qualitative provides context and understanding
Observational Studies Describe user activities in terms of: what they do how they do it how much time they take problems they encounter Can be obtrusive or unobtrusive Can be tied in with interviews or usability Well-developed data collection method/protocol essential Room counts/facilities use most common Quick and inexpensive; can use sampling
Interviews and Focus Groups Increasingly used for understanding user needs, work, behavior and outcomes Purpose defined; questions should be well-thought out High degree of customer involvement Clarify and add context to previously identified issues Customer defined language and issues Objective and effective interviewer/facilitator needed Can identify broader patterns, themes, consistency but not generalizeable to broader population Interview/focus group themes can be followed up with other methods or they can add context to other data
Focus Groups Structured discussion to obtain user perceptions and observations on a topic Usually composed of 6-10 participants and may be repeated several times with different groups Participants within group should be similar Facilitator or moderator guides discussion Participants encouraged to share perspectives Participants learn from each other
Usability User-centered design Apply both to virtual (Web) and physical space (wayfinding) Asks users to demonstrate: –How easy is it to navigate –How easy is it to understand –How easy is it to find –How easy is it to perform –Overall how easy is it to use Iterative process
Comments Unsolicited Unstructured (open suggestion “boxes”) Prompted on specific issues (tell us what you think about... ) Part of another assessment tool (e.g. open-ended questions/comments on survey) Comments are valuable for identifying issues of concern, and can add richness and texture. They generally need to be corroborated by other information
Once You Have Data.... “…but to suppose that the facts, once established in all their fullness, will ‘speak for themselves’ is an illusion.” Carl Becker Annual Address of the President of the American Historical Association, 1931... Comes the difficult parts: Understanding your data Communicating results Using the results for improvement
Use Results Wisely Understand your results Know the limitations of your data Use appropriate analysis methods and tools Comparative data provide context and understanding Seek internal or external validation Identify what is important and why
Mission: Shaping the future of research libraries in the changing environment of public policy and scholarly communication. Members: 123 major research libraries in North America. Ratios: 4 percent of the higher education institutions providing 40 percent of the information resources. Users: Three million students and faculty served. Expenditures: 40 percent is invested in access to electronic resources.
Assessment at ARL A gateway to assessment tools: StatsQUAL ®: – ARL Statistics -- E-Metrics –LibQUAL+ ® – DigiQUAL ® –MINES for Libraries ® – ClimateQUAL™ Building the library assessment community –Library Assessment Conferences –Service Quality Evaluation Academy –Library Assessment Blog –Library Assessment Consulting Service Effective, Sustainable, Practical Library Assessment
LibQUAL+ ® : Multidimensional user satisfaction survey Focuses on the users’ point of view (outcomes) Highlights difference between user’s perceived level of service and their minimum/desirable levels Requires limited local survey expertise and resources Tested and validated at more than 1000 institutions on 5 continents and in 19 languages Analysis available at local, national and inter- institutional levels Offers opportunities for highlighting and improving your status within the institution
Survey Composition 22 Core Questions –Affect of Service –Information Control –Library as Place 5 Local Questions (optional) 5 Information Literacy Questions 3 General Satisfaction Questions Library Usage Patterns Demographics Free Text Comments Box
Survey Structure
Zone of Tolerance
Visual Representation of Data 9 5 7 8 4 6
Building Assessment Capability in Libraries through Consultation Services ARL project “Making Library Assessment Work” approved in 2004 Funded by participating libraries Conducted by Steve Hiller and Jim Self – 1.5 day site visit –Presentation and best practices –Interviews and meetings –Report to the library with recommendations 24 libraries in U.S. and Canada visited in 2005-06 Succeeded by Effective, Sustainable and Practical Library Assessment in 2007 (open to all libraries) –15 libraries participating in 2007-08 –Including 4 outside North America
What We Found: Organizational Development & Structure Issues are Critical Strong interest in using assessment to improve customer service and demonstrate value of library Many libraries uncertain on how to establish, maintain, and sustain effective assessment; need assessment skills Effectiveness of assessment program not dependent on library size or budget Each library has a unique culture and mission. No “one size fits all” approach works. Strong customer-focus and leadership support are keys to developing effective and sustainable assessment
Effective Assessment Is customer-focused Is aligned with library and organizational goals Assesses what is important Develops criteria for success Uses appropriate and multiple assessment methods Uses corroboration from other sources Provides results that can be used
Sustainable Assessment needs.. Organizational leadership Sufficient resources Supportive organizational culture Identifiable organizational responsibility Connection to strategic planning and library priorities Iterative process of data collection, analysis, and use Involvement of customers, staff and stakeholders
Practical Assessment Keep it simple and focused – “less is more” Know when enough is enough Use assessment that adds value for customers Present results that are understandable Organization is prepared to act on results
A Strategic Framework for Assessment The Balanced Scorecard at the University of Virginia Library Provides performance measurement indicators (measures), based on library objectives Reflects the organization's mission and strategies Evaluates current performance and potential for the future
Core Questions User Perspective –How well is the library meeting user needs? Internal Processes –Do the library’s processes function efficiently? Finance –How well are the library’s finances managed? Learning and Growth –Is the library well positioned for the future?
Choosing the Metrics Reflecting Values –What is important? –What are we trying to accomplish? Diversity and Balance –Innovations and operations –Variety of measurements Ensuring validity –Does the measurement accurately reflect the reality? Being Practical –Use existing measures when possible –Use sampling –Collect data centrally –Minimize work by front line
Balanced Scorecard Examples User Perspective Overall rating in student and faculty surveys –Target1: An average score of at least 4.25 (out of 5.00) from each of the major constituencies –Target2: A score of at least 4.00 Internal Processes Processing time for routine acquisitions –Target1: Process 90% of in-print books from North America within one month. –Target2: Process 80% of in-print books from North America within one month
Balanced Scorecard Examples Finance Unit Cost (cost per download) of Electronic Serial Use –Target1: There should be no increase in unit cost each year. –Target2: Less than 5% annual increase in unit cost. Learning Comparing librarian salaries to peer groups –Target1: Average librarian salaries should rank in the top 40% of average salaries at ARL libraries. –Target2: Rank in top 50%.
University of Washington (Site of the 2008 Library Assessment Conference!) Located in beautiful Seattle metro population 3.2 million Comprehensive public research university –27,000 undergraduate students –12,000 graduate and professional students (80 doctoral programs) – 4,000 research and teaching faculty $800 million annually in federal research funds (2 nd in U.S.) Large research library system –$40 million annual budget –150 librarians on 3 campuses
UW Libraries Assessment Priorities: Customer Needs, Use Patterns, and Success Information seeking behavior and use Patterns of library use Value of library User needs Library contribution to customer success User satisfaction with services, collections, overall Data to make informed and wise decisions that lead to resources and services that contribute to user success
UW Libraries: Assessment Methods Used Large scale user surveys every 3 years (“triennial survey”): 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007 –All faculty –Samples of undergraduate and graduate students –Research scientists, Health Sciences fellow/residents 2004- In-library use surveys every 3 years beginning 1993 Focus groups/Interviews Observation (guided and non-obtrusive) Usability Use statistics/data mining Information about assessment program available at:
Case Study: UW Libraries Biosciences Review Reasons for review Better understand how bioscientists work Growing inter/multi/trans disciplinary work Significant change in use patterns Libraries responsiveness to these changes Value of research enterprise to the University Strengthening library connection to research Making good decisions on services and resources Ensuring our services and resources support the work of the UW biosciences community
Biosciences Review Process (2006) Define scope (e.g. what is “bioscience”?) Identify and mine existing data sources –Extensive library assessment data –Institutional and external data Acquire new information through a customer-centered qualitative approach –Environmental scan –Interviews (faculty) –Focus groups (faculty, grad students, undergrads) –Peer library surveys
Biosciences Interview & Focus Group Questions Interviews Describe your work What type of information do you need and how do you find it? What barriers do you encounter? What role does the library play in connecting you to information What else could the library do to support your work Focus Groups How do you find the information you need? What barriers do you encounter? What other services would you like to have available? What services in the library do you like or appreciate?
Biosciences Interview/Focus Group Themes Content is primary link to the library –Identify library with ejournals; want more titles & backfiles Provide library-related services and resources in our space not yours –Discovery begins primarily outside of library space with Google and Pub Med; Web of Science also important –Library services/tools seen as overly complex and fragmented Print is dead, really dead –If not online want digital delivery/too many libraries –Go to physical library only as last resort Difficulty coming up with “new” library services –Graduate students interested in data management services
Biosciences Task Force Recommendations Integrate search/discovery tools into users workflow Expand/improve information/service delivery options Make physical libraries more inviting/easier to use –Consolidate libraries, collections and service points –Reduce print holdings; focus on services Use an integrated approach to collection allocations Get librarians to work outside library space Lead/partner in scholarly communications & E-science Provide more targeted communication and marketing
Biosciences Review Follow-up : 2007 Actions Appointed a Director, Cyberinfrastructure Initiatives & Special Asst to the Univ Libr for Biosciences & E-Science –Meet with interested parties on campus Helped shape Libraries Strategic Plan Priority Initiatives –Improve discovery to delivery (WorldCat Local etc.) –Reshape our physical facilities as discovery and learning centers –Strengthen existing delivery services, both physical and digital, while developing new, more rapid delivery services –Enhance and strengthen the Libraries support for UW’s scientific research infrastructure –Do market research before developing & promoting services Informed development of Libraries 2007 Triennial Survey
Confirming Findings Did themes raised in the interviews/focus groups reflect the bioscience population? The campus community? The 2007 Triennial Survey as corroborating source Related Questions Mode of access (in-person, remote) Resource type importance Sources consulted for research Primary reasons for using Libraries Web sites Libraries contribution to work and academic success Useful library services (new and/or expanded )
UW Triennial Library Survey Number of Respondents and Response Rate 1992-2007 Large number of respondents allows for analysis within groups 200720042001199819951992 Faculty1455 36% 1560 40% 1345 36% 1503 40% 1359 31% 1108 28% Grad/Prof Students 580 33% 627 40% 597 40% 457 46% 409 41% 560 56% Undergrads467 20% 502 25% 497 25% 787 39% 463 23% 407 41%
Frequency of Off-Campus Remote Use (% connecting at least 2x week)
Primary Reasons for Faculty Use of Libraries Web Sites (at least 2x per week)
Sources Consulted for Information on Research Topics ( Scale of 1 “Not at All” to 5 “Usually”)
Importance of Books, Journals, Databases by Faculty Academic Area
Libraries Contribution to: ( Scale of 1 “Minor” to 5 “Major”)
Usefulness of New/Expanded Services Faculty and Grad
Survey Follow-Up Actions Probe deeper on specific library contributions to research and student academic success using qualitative methods –Nursing students focus groups beginning Spring 2008 –Review scope and effectiveness of information literacy programs Develop plan to deliver “print” content to faculty & grad students in their format of choice and in their space –Pilot test “scan on demand” began January 2008 Strengthen our subject librarian liaison efforts to better understand and support research in their areas –Develop standardized toolkit for assessing library connection to research enterprise. Revisit scholarly communications policy Integrate library services & resources into user workflows
How UW Libraries Has Used Assessment Extend hours in Undergraduate Library (24/5.5) Create more diversified student learning spaces Eliminate print copies of journals Enhance usability of discovery tools and website Provide standardized service training for all staff Stop activities that do not add value Consolidate and merge branch libraries Change/reallocate collections budget Change/reallocate staffing Support budget requests to University
Overall Satisfaction by Group 1995-2007
Assessment can… Support decision making Establish accountability Strengthen organizational mission, goals, and objectives Realign library goals and mission statements with the needs of users Identify trends in user behaviors and technology Measure learning outcomes and impact Improve programs and services Help us know our customers better
Thank you Steve Hiller Martha Kyrillidou
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