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Status of KLOE real data analysis by the AMADEUS group Oton Vázquez Doce, 4 Maggio 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of KLOE real data analysis by the AMADEUS group Oton Vázquez Doce, 4 Maggio 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of KLOE real data analysis by the AMADEUS group Oton Vázquez Doce, 4 Maggio 2007

2 Our firsts steps were with Monte Carlo... Production of dedicated KLOE Monte Carlo ntuples Estimation of fraction of K - stopped in the Drift Chambers volume of KLOE setup

3 K - “stopped” Monte Carlo Nuclear Interactions: K - + N 0.1% stopped inside the DC's | z | < 140 cm 40 < ρ < 150 cm ρ vs z (cm)

4 Since begginning of 2007 February 2007 accepted to use 2005 data up to a luminosity equivalent to the 2001/2002 year (400 pb -1 ) Production of KLOE real data ntuples with tag mechanisms 2BODY + DE/DX (50 pb -1 up to now) Start analysis tunning strategy

5 Strategy of search K - + 4 He -> n + (K - ppn) n ~ 510 MeV/c K - + 4 He -> p + (K - pnn) p ~ 550 MeV/c

6 Signature for ppnK - Decay decay:  + p + n p +  - 4 He + K -  ppnK - + n n n p p -- -- Many channels with Λ can be identified by their decay products: p+π - or n+π 0 Classical hadronic interactions of K - in 4 He producing also Λ (69%) P. A. Katz,, Reactions of stopping K - in Helium, Phys. Rev. D1, 1267-1276, (1970)

7 Λ  p+π - search criteria: Vertex made of two opposite charge particles inside the Drift Chamber volume For the negative track (π - ) require energy deposit in the DC wires < 95 ADC counts For the positive track (proton) start looking for an associated cluster to in the extrapolation of the track to the calorimeter region

8 Protons identification Implementation of cuts to remove K- 3 body decay background ( K -  π - π - π + ) E (MeV) charge * p (MeV/c)

9 Protons identification Implementation of cuts to remove K- 3 body decay background ( K -  π - π - π + ) charge * p (MeV/c) E (MeV) proton p (MeV/c)pion p (MeV/c) Lambda inv. Mass (Mev/c 2 )Lambda p (Mev/c)

10 Protons identification (low energy) If no cluster associated, require: ▫last DC measurement for the track compatible with the particle reaching the calorimeter ▫Proton signature in the ADC values of DC wires ADC counts p (MeV/c)

11 Protons identification (low energy) If no cluster associated, require: ▫last DC measurement for the track compatible with the particle reaching the calorimeter ▫Proton signature in the ADC values of DC wires ADC counts p (MeV/c)

12 Final Selection: pionsprotons p (MeV/c) ADC

13 Final Selection: Λ invariant Mass (MeV/c 2 ) θ (deg) proton-pion p Λ (MeV/c) M pπ (MeV/c 2 ) σ~0.5 MeV/c 2

14 Final Selection: Λ invariant Mass (MeV/c 2 ) θ (deg) proton-pion p Λ (MeV/c) Cut in momentum in the Λ c.m.s. 91 < p p,π- < 111 (MeV/c)

15 Final Selection: Λ invariant Mass (MeV/c 2 ) θ (deg) proton-pion p Λ (MeV/c) Cut in Λ invariant mass 1114 < M Λ < 1115 (MeV/c)

16 Λ vertices ρ vs Z (cm) Z (cm)ρ (cm) x vs y (cm) ρ (cm) Interactions in the DC entrance wall (Carbon) 8500 events Interactions in 4 He 1500 events search for Σ(1385)  Λ π

17 Search for Λ “partners” Particles in the same vertex of the p and π - p (MeV/c)

18 Search for Λ “partners” Particles “near” to the Λ vertex ? π p Λ ADC charge * p (MeV/c) # negative tracks# positive tracks ADC charge * p (MeV/c)

19 Search for Λ “partners” Particles “near” to the Λ vertex ? π p Λ ADC charge * p (MeV/c) # negative tracks# positive tracks ADC charge * p (MeV/c) Invariant mass Λ d (MeV/c 2 ) angle Λ d (deg)

20 Next steps... Additional checks on Λ (low momentum, vertex reconstruction, efficiencies...) Increase statistics Study the underlying physics of Λ (formation mechanism, deeply bound?) Search for Λ  n+π 0 (started) Strategy for neutral particle search

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