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Substance Abuse Prevention Fulfilling the Promise Linda Dusenbury, Ph.D. Tanglewood Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Substance Abuse Prevention Fulfilling the Promise Linda Dusenbury, Ph.D. Tanglewood Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Substance Abuse Prevention Fulfilling the Promise Linda Dusenbury, Ph.D. Tanglewood Research

2 Estimated Cost of Drug Abuse $150 billion for illicit drug abuse $200 billion for alcohol abuse $100 billion for tobacco use Costs rise approximately 6% annually

3 Savings from Prevention For every dollar spent: Estimated savings of $2.50 to $9.60 Average savings of $6.00




7 Questions to Consider What substance are kids most likely to use? What substance is most costly to our society? How do rates compare to national averages? What does California fund?

8 Comparison of Drug Use and Funding

9 Focus Prevention efforts designed to reach youth in: Schools Families Communities

10 Quality of Research Increasingly rigorous Larger samples More sophisticated research designs More thorough data analysis Greater concern for implementation fidelity More accurate assessment measures Longer follow-ups

11 School-Based Programs

12 Findings from School-Based Studies Research-Based Programs: Reduce substance use Produce lasting effects Are cost effective

13 Key Elements of Effective Programs Theoretically valid program content Comprehensive approaches Developmentally appropriate material Sensitivity to the culture and community Sufficient dosage and follow-up Use of interactive teaching techniques Well-trained, well-supported implementers Continuing evaluation

14 Content of Effective Programs Norm Setting Social Resistance Skill Training Positive Youth Development

15 Norms Refers to two concepts: How common a behavior is How acceptable a behavior is

16 How Do Different Groups of Drinkers Estimate Prevalence?

17 Differences in Actual and Perceived Rates of Use among 7 th Graders Source: California Student Survey 2001-02

18 Norm Setting Approaches Correct erroneous perceptions of the norm among individuals Build positive norms among the peer group Reinforce positive norms within the community

19 Social Resistance Skills Training Recognizing influences Developing cognitive techniques Developing peer resistance skills

20 Positive Youth Development Personal Skills  Decision Making  Stress Management  Goal Setting Social Skills  Communication Skills  General Social Skills  Assertiveness Skills

21 Comprehensive Approaches Provides services throughout childhood and adolescence Provide consistent messages across all of the environments where young people spend their time: School Family Communities

22 Prevention Programs Also Promote Academic Achievement Academic achievement benefits from: Social and personal skills Positive norms The reduction of multiple behaviors Increased school bonding Positive school climate Involved families

23 Family-Based Approaches

24 Key Features of Effective Family-Based Programs Train parents to monitor/supervise children Promote positive relationships Help parents develop positive family norms Emphasize family bonding Provide training in communication Work to reduce conflict Train parents in positive discipline techniques Create positive alternative activities

25 Community-Based Approaches

26 Key Features of Effective Community-Based Programs Promote positive norms in the community as well as within school and family Provide training to decision makers and opinion leaders Address the specific drug abuse problem in the local community Launch media campaigns and policy changes that are accompanied by school and family interventions Enforce existing laws

27 Mentoring Programs Young people need positive relationships with caring adults for healthy development While the literature on mentoring is growing, rigorous evaluation studies of mentoring programs are limited

28 Findings from 5 Evaluations of Mentoring Programs Mentored youth were: Less likely to use alcohol and other drugs More likely to attend school regularly More likely to continue their education beyond high school More likely to have positive attitudes toward school Less likely to hit others

29 Faith Based Programs Research has found a consistent relationship between involvement in faith-based activities and reduced alcohol and drug use Research on faith-based interventions has been limited

30 Ineffective Prevention Strategies Scare tactics and moralistic appeals Exclusive focus on factual information Exclusive focus on self-esteem Testimonials by addicts Congregating high-risk youth

31 What We Need Funding –Funding needs to be stable or increased –Expand funding to include alcohol Effective Programs Training and Technical Support

32 California Resource for Selecting Programs California Healthy Kids Research-Validated Programs and Training

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