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Mockingbird Elementary Coppell ISD February 6, 2013.

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1 Mockingbird Elementary Coppell ISD February 6, 2013

2 Purpose: To create a supportive network of elementary principals to foster the growth of Project Based Learning for young learners.

3 “…a systematic teaching method that engages students in learning important knowledge and 21 st century skills through an extended, student-influenced inquiry process structured around complex, authentic questions and carefully designed products and learning tasks.” - PBL in the Elementary Grades, by Sara Hallermann and John Larmer

4  Create interest and start inquiry process

5  Learners share what they know and need to know at the beginning of the project

6  The purpose of the project is stated to guide the PBL planning for educators; serves as the conceptual understanding which the educator hopes the learners will be able to answer at the end of the project

7  Setting the expectations for learner interactions

8  Scoring guide designed to provide feedback


10  Mini workshops to teach concepts and skills as needed

11  Individuals who provide feedback to improve the project

12  Presentation with results of PBL

13  Designed to assess learner’s growth

14 CRITERIA IPS Insufficient Progress on Standard AS Approaching the Standard MS Mastered the Standard Content The students will:  Create a visual representation of a barn owl which includes at least 5 features that help the animal survive.  Each feature is labeled with: *1 or less completely different reasons why it helps the animal survive.  Diagram of Barn Owl is not labeled correctly using scientific format.  Diagram is not labeled using correct grammar features.  Product is not visually appealing and easily understood. 0-------------------35--------------------69 The students will:  Create a visual representation of a barn owl which includes at least 5 features that help the animal survive.  Each feature is labeled with: *2 or less completely different reasons why it helps the animal survive.  Diagram of Barn Owl is labeled correctly using scientific format.  Diagram is labeled using correct grammar features.  Product is visually appealing and easily understood. 70----------------80-------------------89 The students will:  Create a visual representation of a barn owl which includes at least 5 features that help the animal survive.  Each feature is labeled with: *3 completely different reasons why it helps the animal survive.  Diagram of Barn Owl is labeled correctly using scientific format.  Diagram is labeled using correct grammar features.  Product is visually appealing and easily understood. 90-------------------95-----------------100 “OWL ” will they Survive? Rubric

15 Entry Document Knows and Need to Know Driving Question Social Contracts and Collaboration Introduce Rubric(s) Critical Friends Scaffolding Activities and Benchmarks Final Product Assessment


17 Entry Document Knows and Need to Know Driving Question Social Contracts and Collaboration Introduce Rubric(s) Critical Friends Scaffolding Activities and Benchmarks Final Product Assessment

18  Dialogue  Share ideas  Celebrate triumphs  Discuss hot topics What would you like to see out of this group? Name this cadre!

19  Meeting dates  Stay connected  to join the wiki, please visit: 

20   PBL in the Elementary Grades – Buck Institute by Sara Hallermann and John Larmer  Project-Based Learning With Young Children by Deborah Diffily and Charlotte Sassman  Problems as Possibilities: Problem-Based Learning for K-16 Education by Linda Torp and Sara Sage  Mind Missions Learning Systems  Coppell ISD PBL Coaches -;;

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