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Sustainable Development Innovations Fund. Fund Overview Created in October 1989 Provides financial assistance for development, implementation and promotion.

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1 Sustainable Development Innovations Fund

2 Fund Overview Created in October 1989 Provides financial assistance for development, implementation and promotion of environmental innovation and sustainable development projects Established under Section 17 of The Sustainable Development Act

3 Fund Overview $3.4 million Fund Annual allocation established through estimates process Fund revenues derived from Environmental Protection Taxes on glass liquor bottles and disposable diapers and Retail Sales Tax on beverage containers, oil products, and tires

4 Fund Overview SDIF reactivated in June 2000 New priority program areas and criteria established for Open Category.

5 Fund Overview-Open Category Approximately $1.2 million annually Diverse range of projects funded

6 Priority Program Areas SDIF Open Category Eco-Tourism Ecosystem Conservation Environmental Technology Innovation and Demonstration Northern Community Development and Environmental Issues Sustainable Agricultural Practices Sustainable Community Development Understanding Our Environment

7 Fund Overview-Targeted Funding Environmental Youth Corps Manitoba Climate Change Action Fund Waste Reduction and Pollution Prevention (WRAPP) Fund Water Stewardship Fund

8 Fund Overview-Government Priorities Bear Smart Initiative Manitoba Forestry Association Woodlot Program Remaining funds in “Unallocated” – allows for special initiatives

9 Eligible Applicants Municipal corporations and local governments, including Northern Affairs and First Nations. Private and non-profit organizations. Businesses. Educational institutions. Youth groups and community associations.

10 SDIF Objectives Support and promote innovation in environmental and sustainable development industries Encourage environmentally sound decisions and actions Promote research and demonstration of new initiatives not addressed by existing programs

11 SDIF Objectives Stimulate economic development and diversification that will improve the quality of life and improve community identity Demonstrate new approaches to prevent waste and pollution, and conserve resources Support activities to benefit the global and local environment

12 Proposal Requirements Address one or more priority area. Address Fund objectives. Benefit the environment, community and economy. Promote a sustainable approach. Involve youth where possible. Indicate partner support. Take place in Manitoba or benefit Manitoba. Have a plan for the future.

13 What’s not eligible? Projects resulting in proprietary knowledge. Cost recovery. Playground and recreational equipment. Land, building, vehicle purchases. Ongoing administration and established operational budgets. Business development startup costs. Compliance with government order.

14 Availability Submit projects any time. Five submission dates. Funding decisions made eight to 12 weeks after submission dates.

15 2007/08 Results SDIF Open Category 101 applications processed 75 applications approved $1.3 million in grant funding approved

16 WRAPP Fund Purpose To provide environmental assistance grants to help private and non-profit organizations, businesses, local governments, including Northern Affairs and First Nation communities, educational institutions and community groups move toward more sustainable waste management and pollution prevention practices.

17 Priority areas – WRAPP Fund Organic waste management and composting C&D waste management Pollution Prevention Model integrated waste management system development and planning

18 WRAPP Fund $550,000 available annually Maximum grant - $50,000

19 2007/08 Results-WRAPP Fund 22 applications processed 15 grants approved Total project costs - $452,000

20 How to Apply Manitoba Conservation c/o Pollution Prevention Branch 123 Main Street, Suite 160 Winnipeg, MB R3C 1A5 Phone: 945-4717 or 945-8443 or toll free: 1-800-282-8069, ext. 4717 Fax: 945-1211 Email:

21 Website

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