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1 Copyright  2001 Pao-Ann Hsiung SW HW Introduction to Computer Science (II) 計算機概論 ( 二 ) Pao-Ann Hsiung 熊博安 Graduate Institute of Computer Science and.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Copyright  2001 Pao-Ann Hsiung SW HW Introduction to Computer Science (II) 計算機概論 ( 二 ) Pao-Ann Hsiung 熊博安 Graduate Institute of Computer Science and."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Copyright  2001 Pao-Ann Hsiung SW HW Introduction to Computer Science (II) 計算機概論 ( 二 ) Pao-Ann Hsiung 熊博安 Graduate Institute of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Chung Cheng University Chiayi 621, Taiwan, R.O.C. Copyright  2001 Pao-Ann Hsiung

2 2 SW HW Course Information l Check out course web-site: l Text-Book: Teach Yourself C, 3rd Edition by Herbert Schildt, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1999 (ISBN: 0-07-882311-0). 翻譯版 : C 語言自學手冊, 第三版, 高明 黃宗仁 合譯, 麥格羅‧希爾 出版 (McGraw-Hill, Inc.) 1999 (ISBN: 957-493-119-6). l Reference: C 語言教學手冊, 洪維恩 編著, 博碩文化 出版, 2000 (ISBN: 957-527-263-3).

3 3 Copyright  2001 Pao-Ann Hsiung SW HW Course Grading l Web Page Design: 10% m Deadline: April 30, 2001; Grading: May 15, 2001 l Program Assignments: 20% m To be completed on your own, no copying allowed! l Mid-Term Test: 30% m April 9 l Final Exam: 30% m June 11 l Class Attendance, Q/A Participation, General Quiz, etc.: 10% ~ 20%

4 4 Copyright  2001 Pao-Ann Hsiung SW HW Class Schedule l Lecture Class: m Location: CA-203 m Time: Monday 9:10 ~ 10:00 l Lab Class: m Location: PC-215 m Time: Monday 10:10 ~ 12:00 l Office Hours: m appointment by e-mail or phone m E-mail: m Phone: (05)2720411 ext. 33119

5 5 Copyright  2001 Pao-Ann Hsiung SW HW Tools l Web-Page Lab m HTML-Kit: an HTML Editor m Download from: l C/C++ Programming Lab: m Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 m Available in PC Room 215

6 6 Copyright  2001 Pao-Ann Hsiung SW HW Course Outline l Introduction to the Internet, WWW, Web-Sites, and Web-Pages l Designing Web-Pages Using HTML l Introduction to C l Introduction to Data Structures in C l Introduction to Algorithms in C l Writing C Programs l Object-Oriented Programming l Introduction to C++ l Writing C++ Programs

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