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Metaschool. Usage of www educational tools Teachers use commonly ICT tools in their lectures, but mainly there is focus on concrete applications with.

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Presentation on theme: "Metaschool. Usage of www educational tools Teachers use commonly ICT tools in their lectures, but mainly there is focus on concrete applications with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metaschool

2 Usage of www educational tools Teachers use commonly ICT tools in their lectures, but mainly there is focus on concrete applications with focus on concrete subjects. The most often used tools are Power point presentation. For search of information is used mainly Google, only limited number of teachers know special repositories and metadata system. The need for educational materials is high, but there does not exist a huge amount of such materials. It is connected with the fact, that in education are very often used materials without solving problems of IPRs.

3 Czech Metaschool use cases Using Common Repositories and Metadata System based on NaturNet Redime URM for Sharing of Educational Materials by Teachers Publishing of Student Works Students to work with Geospatial Information

4 Suggested technological solutions Naturnet Redime URM repository for sharing spatial and non spatial context On line educational applications –Geogame –Vitejtenazemi –eXe HTML editor –Janitor Desktop GIS tool

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