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PHY306 1 Modern cosmology 3: The Growth of Structure Growth of structure in an expanding universe The Jeans length Dark matter Large scale structure simulations.

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Presentation on theme: "PHY306 1 Modern cosmology 3: The Growth of Structure Growth of structure in an expanding universe The Jeans length Dark matter Large scale structure simulations."— Presentation transcript:

1 PHY306 1 Modern cosmology 3: The Growth of Structure Growth of structure in an expanding universe The Jeans length Dark matter Large scale structure simulations  effect of cosmological parameters Large scale structure data  galaxy surveys  cosmic microwave background

2 PHY306 2 Large scale structure simulations Simple theory only adequate for small changes in density Need big changes (e.g. ρ univ. ~ 10 −27 kg m −3, ρ galaxy ~ 10 −20 kg m −3 ) Therefore use numerical simulations  input cosmological parameters  evolve using general relativity  may include only dark matter or dark matter + gas

3 PHY306 3 Simulations Information from simulations  strength of clustering on different scales  compare with galaxy surveys  evolution of clustering  compare with ages of structures such as galaxies and clusters cold dark matter + … Λ nothing neutrino k

4 PHY306 4 Simulations

5 5 Large scale structure data Galaxy surveys  pencil beam  e.g. Lyman α lines in quasar spectrum  slice of sky  e.g. 2dF galaxy redshift survey  whole sky (or large piece thereof)  e.g. Sloan Digital Sky Survey

6 PHY306 6 Lyman α forest Study distribution of neutral hydrogen along particular lines of sight  potential information on clustering, metallicity, ionisation level, etc., at redshifts up to 6 or more  but systematic errors are difficult to control Matteo Viel, 2004 Meiksin, Bryan, Machacek, MNRAS 327 (2001) 296

7 Sloan Digital Sky Survey Dedicated 2.5-m telescope equipped with 120 megapixel camera and two multi-object spectrographs Imaged 8400 square degrees of sky  spectra of 930000 galaxies, 120000 quasars, 225000 stars PHY306 7

8 SDSS Galaxy Map SDSS Galaxy Map Slice of SDSS survey around celestial equator  –1.25° < δ < +1.25° Galaxies colour coded by stellar population  red = old PHY306 8

9 9 Results Sensitive to Ω m H 0, which is a different combination from nucleosynthesis Analysis is similar to CMB (see later), but expected shape differs Best results obtained by combining redshift surveys with WMAP

10 PHY306 10 Analysis of survey data Survey data typically produce “maps” How do we analyse these?  they have finite resolution  they may not cover the whole sky  we probably don’t care about the actual locations of ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ spots  we want to look at strength of variation and characteristic size

11 PHY306 11 The power spectrum Consider CMB data, i.e. map of temperature fluctuations δT across sky  expand in spherical harmonics:  consider correlation between pairs of points separated by angle θ:  by applying the spherical harmonic expansion this can be expressed as a sum of Legendre polynomials:

12 PHY306 12 The power spectrum Parameter describing characteristics of map is the coefficient C l  customary to plot vs l  this is the contribution per logarithmic interval in l to the total temperature fluctuation δT  the multipole number l gives the angular scale: θ ~ 180°/l

13 PHY306 13 The power spectrum 3D galaxy surveys are analysed in a similar way  expand as Fourier series where each Fourier component δ k is a complex number  construct power spectrum using mean square amplitude Will Percival et al., MNRAS 401 (2010) 2148

14 PHY306 14 Conclusion Large scale structure is very sensitive to cosmological parameters  cold vs hot dark matter, Λ, etc. 2D or 3D maps can be analysed by expanding as spherical harmonics or Fourier series Most significant contributors: galaxy surveys (especially SDSS) and CMB

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