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SB English 12 Thursday, November 6 th, 2014. Journal Do you think that it would have been possible for Equality 7-2521 to come to the personal realizations.

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Presentation on theme: "SB English 12 Thursday, November 6 th, 2014. Journal Do you think that it would have been possible for Equality 7-2521 to come to the personal realizations."— Presentation transcript:

1 SB English 12 Thursday, November 6 th, 2014

2 Journal Do you think that it would have been possible for Equality 7-2521 to come to the personal realizations that he did while in the forest if he had stayed inside his society? Why or why not? From your response, why do you think Ayn Rand structured her novel as she did? Extension: What is Ayn Rand’s overall statement about the relationship of the individual to the community? All Journals Due: Thurs. 11/13/14!! **That is also the last day I will take any assignments from Anthem for points!

3 Reading Party!! Finish reading Anthem!!! Chapters 10, 11, 12! Annotations: For each chapter, write a paragraph summary, and write one quote and a 2-3 sentence response

4 Reminder – Essay Due!!! Due by Friday, November 7 th, at 11:59pm to Join password: English 2 nd period section code: 8866015 3 rd period section code: 8866019 If you are nervous about making sure technology works – submit your essay early and check that it was submitted! You may only submit ONE file. Make sure you upload the final draft!! This is a quiz score!

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