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Software Merge Project Last time the background was poor so we decided to make it much better.

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Presentation on theme: "Software Merge Project Last time the background was poor so we decided to make it much better."— Presentation transcript:

1 Software Merge Project Last time the background was poor so we decided to make it much better


3 Welcome Usage example What we did – task assignments What are we doing Communication Documentation Model Technologies Problems

4 What we did –Research –Java –Eclipse –CVS –EMF –GEF –Eclipse Plug-ins

5 What are we doing Mathias AlexanderssonDocumentation & supervision (if we forgot some use cases, etc.), communication with Richard. Approval lobbing. Sebastien BourgeoisGUI modeling & drag and drop research, do we need it? Lei LiuGUI modeling & Java custom drawn components research, communication. Marko BurazinPlug-in model, GUI model, component (GUI – Plug-in) interconnection research. Mladen CikaraPlug-in model, views and perspectives, how to integrate custom drawn components, communication. Miroslav LakoticEngine model, history model, system integration, presentation, interfaces. Marko PecicInput structure modeling, EMF, history suggestions, interconnection, dynamic system structure build.

6 Communication –Skype –Documentation –Pictures & diagrams –Fun & personal

7 Documentation Every desided document is on the project page including research reports Reserach reports –EMF –XSD –Eclipse Plugin development –GEF Week reports Skype chat transripts (translated)

8 Usage example and requirements The purpose of Software Merge The first usage example draft

9 GUI 1

10 2

11 3

12 4

13 The basic component model

14 Plug-in development Perspectives Views Model Changes to be made

15 Plugin development –MVC (model-view-controller) architecture –The models are outside

16 Input structures EMF System representation 0..* child components 0..* parent components components Application name: String Component name: String Component name: String Component name: String 1 1

17 Save Load XMI / XML documents Serialization EMF Application Resources Class A Class B Class C ECore model Deserialization EMF Application Resources XMI document EList Class A Class B Class C

18 GEF: MVC Framework

19 GEF: Build the view

20 GEF: Perform a modification 1 Tool UI RootPanelEditPart model object changeModel() 1.getTargetEditPart(Request) EditPart 2.getCommand(Request) 3.getCommand(Request) Command 4.executeCommand()

21 GEF: Perform a modification 2

22 Engine & history Engine –Link between components –Part of MVC architecture History –EMF generated –Decision making mechanism –Version comparisons –Branching –Team is still devided

23 The Goal

24 Problems faced Communications between two sides Cooperation between two sides Understand the requirement from the customers Thinking the same way Divison between som e project components Learning Eclipse plug-in frameworks

25 Thank you Questions?

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