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Huma Husain UP 206 Midterm February 8, 2010. Background  Governor Schwarzenegger cut a $256 million program for subsidized child care  Many remaining.

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Presentation on theme: "Huma Husain UP 206 Midterm February 8, 2010. Background  Governor Schwarzenegger cut a $256 million program for subsidized child care  Many remaining."— Presentation transcript:

1 Huma Husain UP 206 Midterm February 8, 2010

2 Background  Governor Schwarzenegger cut a $256 million program for subsidized child care  Many remaining programs only subsidize child care for families on welfare  How do low-income working families get support for child care so that they can keep their jobs?

3 Project Questions  Where are licensed child care centers in my neighborhood?  What are the levels of need for subsidies in this area?  Which tracts would benefit most from subsidy programs?  Where should we put new subsidized child care centers?



6 Income and Poverty # of Families with Children Below Poverty Median Income of Families with Children




10 Skills Used Slide 3 :  Inset Map  GeocodingChildCare Centers  Attribute Sub-Set Selection: West LA was derived by querying CA Zips where zipcode = (90024, 90025, 90064, 90067)  Geoprocessing: Clipping CA tracts to Zipcode region Slide 4:  Geoprocessing: Clipping CA blockgroups to Zipcode region Slide 6:  Buffering Slide 7:  Creating an Index: normalized variables to scale of 0 to 100 and averaged the three scores ( Variables = Families with Children under 5 yrs old + Households with No car + Families with Children below poverty) Slide 8:  Boundary Sub-Set Selection: Selecting only the schools within zipcode region

11 Possible Research for Final  Looking at daycares for a broader region  Determining cost and capacity of licensed child care centers  Finding out what subsidy programs currently do exist, where they are located, and how much of costs they subsidize

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