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Character. Developing Character Character isn’t something you are born with.

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1 Character




5 Developing Character Character isn’t something you are born with.

6 Character is defined as knowing right from wrong. Many people know right from wrong. If someone knows something is wrong, why do they do it?

7 6 Pillars of Character There are 6 pillars of character that we will be discussing in the next few days. 1.Trustworthiness 2.Respect 3.Responsibility 4.Fairness 5.Caring 6.Citizenship


9 Trustworthiness Are You a Trustworthy Person? (Take this self-evaluation and decide for yourself.) True False I keep my promises; I am a person of my word. I am reliable; I follow through on commitments. I am honest I keep secrets; I never betray a confidence or a trust. I have integrity; I don't cave in to temptation. I am loyal when loyalty is appropriate.

10 Respond I think I am/am not a trustworthy person because:

11 Ethical people are worthy of trust. Trustworthiness means being honest, having integrity, keeping your promises, and being loyal.

12 Respect What is respect? How do you respect yourself? Your peers? Your parents or guardians? Your teachers?

13 We must respect ourselves and remember that every person has the right to our respect.

14 Responsibilities Hygiene At home Work At school

15 We must be accountable for our own actions, practice self-restraint, and always do our best.

16 Fairness What is fairness? Free from bias or judgment

17 – Is this fair? Parents allow son to go on trip that daughter isn’t allowed to go on? Teacher allows student with medical condition to eat crackers during class, but not other students.

18 “It is not fair to ask of others what you are unwilling to do yourself”

19 Fairness is one of the most difficult values, because sometimes it means doing the right thing even if others don't agree. We must try to do what we know is fair and just.

20 Caring displaying kindness and concern for others.

21 Empathy Vs Sympathy EmpathySympathy Definition Understanding what others are feeling because you have experienced it yourself or can put yourself in their shoes. Acknowledging another person's emotional hardships and providing comfort and assurance. Example I know it's not easy to lose weight because I have faced the same problems myself. When people try to make changes like this (e.g. lose some weight) at first it seems difficult.lose

22 Citizenship Responsible citizenship means being involved in public service. This includes voting, reporting crimes, testifying as a witness, protecting the environment, and working for the candidate of our choice.

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