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 Follow each instruction very carefully.  Please read through all the rules with Mrs. Ashton so you are sure clear on all tasks.

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Presentation on theme: " Follow each instruction very carefully.  Please read through all the rules with Mrs. Ashton so you are sure clear on all tasks."— Presentation transcript:


2  Follow each instruction very carefully.  Please read through all the rules with Mrs. Ashton so you are sure clear on all tasks.

3  You will receive $19 in mining money, a Cookie Mining Worksheet and a sheet of grid paper.  You will now buy your own "mining property" (a chocolate chip cookie). You are only allowed one "mining property". There are 3 types of cookies "for sale":  Bathhurst, NB- $3,  Timmins, ON- $5,  Yellowknife, NWT- $7.

4  Place cookie on the grid paper and,, trace the outline of the cookie.  Now count each square that falls inside the circle, recording this number on the Cookie Mining Spreadsheet ( #3)  Note: Count partial squares as a full square.

5  Now you can buy your "mining equipment."  More than one piece of equipment may be purchased. Equipment may not be shared between players.  Mining equipment for sale is Small toothpick — $2.00 each Paper clips— $4.00 each Large toothpick — $6.00 each

6  You cannot use your fingers to hold the cookie, as it will damage the mining area. The only things that can touch the cookie are the mining tools and the paper on which the cookie is sitting.  You will be allowed a maximum of five minutes to mine your chocolate chip cookie. If you finish mining before the five minutes are used up, you will only credit the time spent mining.

7  You can purchase as many mining tools desired; the tools can be of different types.  If the mining tools break, they are no longer usable and a new tool must be purchased.

8  Mining- on the go signal you can begin mining chocolate chips.  Labour costs are $1.00/minute You will only have to pay for the minutes that you use

9  You will now sell the chocolate chips mined from the cookie. Each chip brings $2.00 (broken chocolate chips can be combined to make one whole chip- based on buyer’s (Mrs. Ashton) discretion.

10  Now you must return the land to as close as original condition as possible. Place all fragments and crumbs back into the circled area on the grid paper.  This can only be accomplished using the mining tools No fingers or hands allowed.

11  Reclamation costs are $1.00 per square over original count. (Any piece of cookie outside of original circle counts as reclamation.)  You will have 3 Minutes to clean up your mine site

12  Mrs. Ashton will come and determine your Reclamation fees.

13 1. Complete the Cookie Mining Spread sheet 2. Based on your results, complete the Reflection sheet 3. Staple all sheets (instructions, spreadsheet, grid, reflection) together and hand in

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