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Health campaigns. A group intends to change the life of another group by improving a certain aspect Education Engineering Enforcement.

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Presentation on theme: "Health campaigns. A group intends to change the life of another group by improving a certain aspect Education Engineering Enforcement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health campaigns

2 A group intends to change the life of another group by improving a certain aspect Education Engineering Enforcement

3 Commercial marketing Social marketing

4 How are they discovered: Quantitative studies Qualitative studies Personal reflection Shocking events Personal tragedies

5 The problem is ignored The problem is identified The problem enters on public agenda Action is taken

6 Data collection Primary data Secondary data Hierarchy of needs and capacities

7  Administrative  Educational  Behavioral  Environmental  In terms of results

8 What is the target population? What are its needs? What are the subgroups with biggest need? Where are these subgroups? What is currently done for them? How where their needs answered in the past?

9  Likely to answer in the same way to a certain stimulus because of common traits  Criteria ◦ Demographics ◦ Geographic ◦ Medical/ physical ◦ Lifestyle, personality, social norms ◦ Attitudes ◦ Behavior

10  What are the benefits if a certain behavior is adopted ?  What are the costs?  Consequences?  Social pressure?  Risks?  Missinterpretations?  Language used by the target group?  Special communication needs?

11  Desired action  Different scenarios  Realistic approach

12  Emphasize the benefits  Reduce the barriers  Explain the consequences that can appear if the target group does not adopt the behavior

13  Manner to transmit the message  The messenger  Demonstration  Testimonials

14 Creative methods  Locations where the group spends time  Location + time = context

15  Tone  Graphics  Choice of words  Sounds/music

16  Personalize the message – “you”  Verbs – present time  Questions with affirmative answer  Positive message  Level of understanding of the target group

17  KISS – Keep it simple, stupid  SLIP IT – Smile, Laugh, Informs, Provokes, Involves, Think

18 Pretest the: Idea Message Tone Execution

19 Identify the problem Mission Purpose Identify the target group Objectives Channels Benefits and barriers (costs) Position on the market Tone, channel, choice of words, sounds

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