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Person centred care planning workshop -23 rd June 2010 York.

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Presentation on theme: "Person centred care planning workshop -23 rd June 2010 York."— Presentation transcript:

1 Person centred care planning workshop -23 rd June 2010 York

2 2 What I will cover: Background to CQC - our principles, functions, and priorities What we are doing in terms of people with learning disabilities Key messages from the national study “Specialist inpatient LD services – follow up audit” (Dec 09) Care Quality Commission

3 3 About the Care Quality Commission- our strategic priorities Ensuring care is centred on peoples’ needs and protects their rights Championing joined up care Acting swiftly to eliminate poor quality care Promoting high quality care Regulating effectively in partnership

4 4 Our functions Registration, registration, registration… Enforcement Mental Health Act visits Reviews of performance Special studies /reviews Publishing information

5 5 Our values Involving people who use services and their carers Equalities, diversity and human rights Regulation that is proportionate, targeted, evidence based and transparent

6 6 A focus on registration Focus: Plain English People focussed Outcome based 6 Outcomes- Involvement, personalised care, safeguarding, staffing, quality and management

7 7 CQC and people with learning disabilities 5 Year Learning disabilities strategy. Strategy identifies as key area for improvement - “Ensuring that the care of people with learning disabilities becomes more person-centred, including a greater focus on person-centred care plans”. Internal implementation group (SCIE project, data developments, involvement activity, special study, quality risk profiles) Outward facing Learning Disabilities Advisory Board

8 8 Specialist inpatient LD services- follow up audit Why another audit? The focus – 43 services visited, representing 37 different organisations across NHS and independent sector Included assessment and treatment services, independent hospital care, and forensic and residential support

9 9 Overall “ The quality of services for people with learning disabilities is at best inconsistent and at worst damaging. This is despite the amount of concern and attention given to services from external bodies since the original audit.”

10 10 Findings Choices: Some evidence of people making everyday choices such as what to wear, But 53% of services still not offering the opportunity to choose what to eat Most people did not have a choice about who to live with and who provided support

11 11 Findings (ctd) Opportunities for activities: Some improvement since 2007 but… Still difficulties in accessing community based activities (often due to staffing issues) Rights: Advocacy less available than in 2007 ( 27 services had no access to advocacy )

12 12 Findings (ctd) Services and staff remained over controlling in terms of restrictions on peoples’ movements Very few people given opportunity to engage in person centred planning Friends and family: Majority of services making positive efforts to support contact and involvement

13 13 Findings (ctd) 10 settings working to foster friendships away from the service Wellbeing: Some evidence of people having control of their finances Inconsistent picture of physical control (either via physical intervention or medication)

14 14 Findings (ctd) Leadership: In only 4 of the 43 services did staff report that leadership was strong and positive “Developing modern person centred assessments, support and intervention require strong and positive leadership”

15 15 Where from here? “Services need to focus on working towards truly person centred services based on leadership, shared values and shared power” (information, direct role in shaping and maintaining quality of services)

16 16 And CQC’s role? “If services are no better than the majority we visited, they will struggle to comply with registration requirements. With our new powers, we will take swift action where necessary, including changing the registration status we give providers”

17 17 And finally “There is only one way and that is the person centred way. It is a journey worth taking” (Personalisation through person centred planning-DH)

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