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Published byAlison Wilkerson Modified over 9 years ago
GRC SPACE OPERATIONS PROJECT OFFICE Space Communications Office SCAN Testbed Project Monthly Status Review D. Malarik, Project Manager D. Irimies, Deputy Project Manager R. Reinhart, Project Principal Investigator L. Aponte-Richter, Resource Analyst August 8, 2012 1
GRC Project Manager: MSC/Diane Malarik Chief Engineer: DT/Josh Freeh Safety & Mission Assurance Lead: Q/R. Plastow NASA Customer: SCaN Program/John Rush Key Contractor(s): GESS/ASRC; SpaceDOC/ZIN Project Mission Statement: Develop, deploy and operate a communications, navigation, and networking testbed on ISS to advance the TRL of Software Defined Radios (SDR) and the Space Telecommunications Radio Standard (STRS) in support of future NASA missions. GRC Scope: The SCaN Testbed project is defined as the design, build, launch, and operations of the SCAN Testbed, as well as the development, integration and on-orbit execution of experiments and other users. GRC leads a multi-partner team (GSFC, JPL, JSC, General Dynamics and Harris) to operate for a minimum of 3 years. Project closeout will occur no earlier than 2018, or upon Program direction, with SCAN Testbed decommissioning, disposal, and final documentation. Project Life Cycle Schedule Insertion into HTV-3 Unpressurized Section Flight System in TVAC SCaN Testbed Operations & Experiments Project 2 MilestonesSRRIVRPDRCDRPh III Safety SARORRLaunchOpsOn-Orbit Expts ReturnFinal Report Actual/ Baseline 5/200810/20089/20094/201008/201110/20116/20127/2012Inc. 32=>01/2013N/A Installation onto ISS ELC
4 Accomplishments SCaN Testbed is in space and on ISS! Passed KDP-E: Successful Center Mgmt Council (CMC) Briefing on ORR Findings and closed out all CMC actions HTV3 Launched, Jul 20 at 10:18 PM ET – Featured event at 100th Bomb Group Completed HTV berth, Jul 27 Successfully repaired HRDL cable, Aug 1 (open work: verifying HRDL performs as intended internal-to-ELC) Extracted EP-MP and docked to JEM EF, Aug 6 Installed SCaN Testbed on ELC-3, Aug 7
HTV3 launched from Tanegashima, Japan at 10:06 pm Eastern on July 20, 2012 5 SCaN Testbed Video Playing in JAXA’s TNSC Visitor Center at
SCaN Testbed Launch Party !!! 6
HTV Docked to ISS 8
9 SCaN Testbed Transfer: Phase 1 of 2 EP3 Move from HTV to JEM Exposed Facility (EF)
10 SCaN Testbed Transfer: Phase 2 of 2 SCaN Testbed Move From EP3 to ELC-3 SPDM (or Dextre) grapples the SCaN Testbed
SCaN Testbed Transfer: Phase 2 of 2 Dextre Maneuvering SCaN Testbed Toward ELC-3 Big Arm – Small Payload
SCaN Testbed Transfer: Phase 2 of 2 Installation onto ELC-3 Getting Closer...
SCaN Testbed Transfer: Phase 2 of 2 Installation on ELC-3 Getting even closer...
SCaN Testbed Successfully Installed on ELC-3
15 Accomplishments – Experiment Calls Experiment Calls: –Released Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) to INSPIRES (Universities) First proposal review cycle through end of CY Proposals due: xx https:\\ xxxx –Completed Draft of Experiment Opportunity (EO) (Space Act Agreements with all other entities) EO consists of Space Act Abstracts for both Reimbursable and Non- Reimbursable framework agreements, with specific agreements tailored for each selected Experimenter Will release announcement of EO on FedBizOpps –First NASA-external users expected to demonstrate experiments on SCaN Testbed by late 2013/early 2014 (depends on funding & development time) –Will link to CASSIS web site for additional publicity
16 Experiments Accomplishment and Status GIU Data Collection – GD data collection estimated completion is in ~2 weeks; few more procedure updates remaining. – JPL data collection has about 8 days (full time) remaining. About 1-2 months left. – Harris data collection starting up this week (duration TBD). Experiment Data Archiving System – Collects experimenter data off of experiment systems (DAS, EFEP) – about 75% complete. Experiment Development System / EDS – JPL RF design about 90% done; bringing in extra help for TReK/SDS work. – Planning to procure filters and long-lead items soon (1-2 weeks). On-orbit Channel Simulator – Returned from RT Logic calibration, continuing MATLAB/STK software development. – Will be able to model antenna characteristics using on-orbit antenna pattern data.
17 Experiment 1 (S-Band Tech Advancement) – Performed testing of JPL signal-to-noise ratio estimator – great performance esp. at high Eb/N0. – GD team met with Helen and Larry to discuss scripting waveform setup commands. Experiment 2 (Ka-Band Tech Advancement) & 6 (BW Eff. WF) – ACES laptop for Harris development arrived; waiting for VxWorks software on order. Experiment 3 (Baseline Networking & Routing) – Experiment plan is about 50% complete; working on a detailed execution/development schedule. Experiments Accomplishment and Status (con’t)
18 Level 1 Requirement Assessment SCaN Testbed has 27 Level 1 Reqs - science type “wills” and “shalls” 19 requirements can be met with current funding – Basic S-band connection to TDRS and direct to ground – Basic Ka-band connection to TDRS – GPS L1, L2, and L5, etc...
19 Level 1 Requirement Assessment 8 Requirements (Experiments) need additional $ to meet the Level 1 Reqs – Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN)and Internet Protocol (IP) routing: More experiment development, SW and Expt Integration – Testbed capabilities available to industry: More SW, Expt Integration, and Expt Dev – Demonstrate various levels of compliance with STRS: More Expt development – Develop library of software devices that have legacy value: More Experimenters, SW and Comm support – Demonstrate Comm, Nav, and networking technologies: More than a single experiment – Ground based system used for testing and upload of new waveforms: More Experiment Development System support – TDRS Augmentation Service for Satellites (TASS): Funded in FY15/16 at JPL Additional funding needed to develop experiments and the infrastructure (SW and integration) to support them.
Satisfied by Checkout & Commissioning Satisfied by Experimentation > > We need Experiments to satisfy project criteria < < Mission Success Criteria Assessment
22 Pursuit of SCaN Testbed Utilization SBIR Experiment Calls – 2011 Phase II – Proposals expected Fall 2012. On-orbit tests not expected until ~late 2013 (depends on Phase II proposal and selection) – 2012 Phase I Solicitation Planned for Fall 2012 University/Commercial Experiment Calls (above) Potential multi-Agency interest in spectrum efficient, adaptive techniques Planned outreach/participation in – International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC) and Ka-Band Conference (September 24-27 th in Ottawa, Ontario) Group travel via ground transportation under investigation – Wireless Innovation (SDR) Forum (January 2013 in Washington, DC) Keynote address STRS Tutorial Technical papers/presentations (2)
SCAN Testbed Top Project Risks Approach M – Mitigate W – Watch A – Accept R – Research C – Closed Criticality Decreasing (Improving) Increasing (Worsening) Unchanged N New L x C Trend 5 4 3 2 1 1 2345 LIKELIHOODLIKELIHOOD CONSEQUENCES LxC Trend RankApproachRisk Title 1M Underfunded Operations and Experiments Phase 2M Experimenter Software Interface 3M,WELC HRDL Repair High Med Low 1 2 3 STATUS AS OF: 8/8/12 23
24 Upcoming Events Experiment Call Release - Aug Press Release - Aug Strategic Planning Workshop – TBD TDRS K and ESTOS Trip to GSFC - Aug SGSS User Forum - Sept On-Orbit Activities (Subject to change per ISS scheduling process): – SCaN Testbed Operational Power Activation; Avionics Initialization, Aug 13 – APS Launch Lock Release and Gimbal Movement, Aug 16
SCaN Testbed Master Schedule Overview 25 7/31/2012
SCaN Testbed Daily Schedule August 2012 26 Note - Calendar includes (GMT Date)/Blue Font Indicates Flight System Activity 8/3/2012
Back-up: 27
POIC Pre-Launch Mission Simulation #2 July 12, 2012 28 “I've not had a sim with PD (Payload Developer) interaction like that, so very different for me… so it was good to have informed people on the loops. Sounds like you guys are ready to fly. I look forward to real time ops!” – POIC Ops Controller “SCAN Testbed was one of the bright spots of the day. Pass along Kudos on my behalf.” – MSFC/Jason Norwood, Sim Payload Operations Director & Acting Flight Director
Highlights Multiple initial conditions: another live payload in-the-loop, ATV docked, etc Several “Firsts” utilized in full-up sim: Harris SDR, TWTA, APS closed loop tracking, Data logged at White Sands STGT, Interaction between SCaN Testbed MO and Experimenter teams Reaction to incidents: Various planned/unplanned SCAN Testbed and minimal ISS failures/situations Exercise updated POIC Ground Command Procedures (GCPs) Interaction with Payload Operations Director (POD), Flight Operations Controller (OC), Payload Rack Officer (PRO), Data Management Coordinator (DMC), other Payload Developers (PD), Crew, and other POIC and MCC-H cadre positions Post-sim Summary: Accomplished new scripts in On-board Short Term Plan Viewer (OSTPV); Exercised Payload Event Notification (debris maneuver) and adjusted scheduled windows; Investigated ATV S-band comm difficulties and responded with appropriate flight rules in a timely manner; Completed avionics activation per timeline; Demonstrated flexibility to overcome unplanned situations to accomplish planned science; Received very positive POIC feedback. POIC Pre-Launch Mission Simulation #2 July 12, 2012 29
Successful move from HTV and install onto JEM pallet 30 SCaN Testbed Transfer Phase 1 of 2
Risk Type Sub Risk Type 12345 Safety Personnel Minor injury not requiring first aid treatment. Minor injury regarding first aid treatment. Medical treatment for a minor injury, illness. Permanent or major injury, illness or incapacitation. Death Flight SystemsN/A Minor damage to flight systems. Major damage to flight systems Loss of flight assets. Ground Facilities/ Equipment Negligible damage to Non-Critical ground facilities or systems. Minor damage to Non-Critical ground facilities or systems. Moderate damage to critical ground facilities or systems. -Or- Loss of Non-critical Major damage to critical ground facilities or systems Loss of critical ground facilities or systems. Technical Requirements No impact to meeting performance and/or other mission objectives. L4 requirements and/or other mission objectives cannot be met. L3 requirements and/or other mission objectives cannot be met. L2 requirements and/or other mission objectives cannot be met. L1 requirements and/or mission objectives cannot be met. Operations Negligible impact to mission objectives/ operations Minor impact to mission objectives/ operations - workarounds available. Moderate impact to mission objectives/ operations. Major impact to mission objectives/ operations - workarounds not available. Unable to achieve major mission objective/operations. Cost <$50K$50K - $100K$101K - $250K$251K - $500K>$500K Schedule 2-4 week delay to major project milestone. 1-3 month delay to major project milestone. 3-4 month delay to major project milestone. 4-6 month delay to major project milestone. >6 month delay to major project milestone. LIKELIHOOD RATING LikelihoodValueRange Very High5 76% - 99% High4 51% - 75% Moderate3 26% - 50% Low2 11% - 25% Very Low1 0% - 10% TIMEFRAME Time to Initiate Handling Strategy Near 0 to 1 Month Mid 1 to 3 Months Far >3 Months SCAN Testbed Risk Scorecard (Updated)
RankRisk IDRisk StatementApproach & PlanComments 11 SCAN-135Underfunded Operations and Experiments Phase Given the: limited funding available for Phase E of the SCaN Testbed Project, There is a possibility that: Level 1 requirements may not be met. Context: Per PPBE-14, the SCaN Testbed budget is limited during FY13 - 15, and is zeroed out in FY16 and beyond. The ability to fund new experiments and complete the Software Development as identified in the SW Requirements Specification, is significantly constrained. This may result in the deferral of many experiments' completion until late 2014 and 2015, deferral or elimination of Priority 2 and Priority 3 SW requirements, and deferral or delay of the SW Code Optimization tasks that were planned to increase the CPU margin available to experimenters. If the SCaN Testbed is decommissioned in 2015, it is possible some Level 1 requirements may not be met. Mitigate 1.Release NASA Research Announcement (NRA) to attract experiments that do not require SCaN Program funding, by 6/30/12. 2.Assess Level 1 impacts given current software funding and experiment funding. Present as part of the ORR briefing packages, by 6/5/12. 3.Prioritize remaining software development to maximize capability using Level 1 impact assessment, by 6/30/12. 4.Develop PPBE-15 request to SCaN Program to support more robust utilization of SCaN Testbed, by 3/31/13. 5.Seek non-SCaN Program funding via pursuit of other NASA sponsors, such as OCT, for internal experiment development, by 6/30/13. STATUS: PPBE-14 budget cycle activities and decisions during March-April 2012 have established a minimum set of requirements for viable implementation in FY13. Significant work has been invested in the planning and formulation of a NRA (formerly known as Announcement of Opportunity) to be released in June 2012 to attract non-SCaN Program sponsored use of the SCaN Testbed. ORR and KDP-E briefing packages addressed software status and included PI assessment. ORR held on June 5, 2012, and KDP-E to occur on July 12, 2012. Software development has been prioritized. Quantity of new scripts have been determined for mission ops; JIRAs have been identified to be incuded in the post-ship software build. RISK FOCUS Risk Score: 4 L x 5 C Timeframe: Near Term Risk Category: Technical Owner: Diane Malarik SCAN Testbed Risks Underfunded Operations and Experiments Phase HIGH 32 STATUS AS OF: 7/10/12
RankRisk IDRisk StatementApproach & PlanComments 22 SCAN-123Experimenter Software Interface Given the: software interface between avionics software and experimenter software on the avionics is in development, There is a possibility that: experiment software will be difficult to integrate with the PAS. Context: Experimenters are expected to provide software applications to run on the avionics. The first planned software is the baseline IPv4 networking experiment. Mitigate 1.Reduce initial functionality by only implementing the portions needed for baseline networking. (completed 9/30/11) 2.Implement software capability for initial networking experiment. (completed 9/30/11) 3.Defer testing/verification of baseline networking from Flight System, pre-ship to GIU, post-ship. (completed 4/27/12) 4.Decompose requirements that describe standard experimenter software interface capabilities, by 6/30/12. 5.Implement software interface capabilities in post- ship version of PAS software on-orbit with experimenter interfaces, by 12/31/12. STATUS: After the Flight System has shipped, testing on GIU has been completed and has verified required kernel capabilities are sufficient. Determined further requirements decomposition is necessary to appropriately implement experimenter interface capabilities. A design review was conducted in early June 2012, with follow-on reviews conducted as needed. S/W Team has determined a set of APIs for functional implementation that are approx. 80% developed using the Software Development System unit. JPL PI/SMEs currently assessing this proposed solution as potential users of such an interface. Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM) proposed to be scheduled to: Assess current approach Assess impact upon the initial networking experiment Determine/assign forward work, if any RISK FOCUS Risk Score: 3 L x 4 C Timeframe: Near-term Risk Category: Cost, Schedule Owner: Steve Hall SCAN Testbed Risks Experimenter Software Interface MED 33 STATUS AS OF: 7/10/12
RankRisk IDRisk StatementApproach & PlanComments 33 SCAN-137Express Logistics Carrier (ELC) High Rate Data Line (HRDL) Repair Given the: ELC HRDLs do not function, There is a possibility that: the HRDL repair will not be completed prior to SCaN Testbed Checkout & Commissioning. Context: The ELC HRDL jumper cable is scheduled for launch on HTV-3 and on-orbit installation and checkout is planned for shortly thereafter. Mitigate 1.Request that ISS schedule HRDL repair prior to SCaN Testbed installation on ELC- 3. (completed 3/30/12) 2.In coordination with ISS, verify HRDL functions during Checkout and Commissioning, by 9/15/12. STATUS: Jumper install checkout for ELC-3 SCAN revealed light at the APS Open work: verifying HRDL performs as intended internal-to-ELC RISK FOCUS Risk Score: 1 L x 4 C Timeframe: Far Risk Category: Cost, Schedule Owner: Steven Sinacore SCAN Testbed Risks Express Logistics Carrier (ELC) High Rate Data Link (HRDL) Repair STATUS AS OF: 7/10/12 Low 34
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