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Grammar.   Every sentence needs two things to be complete: _________________ + _____________________ = a complete sentence  Order of Operations: To.

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Presentation on theme: "Grammar.   Every sentence needs two things to be complete: _________________ + _____________________ = a complete sentence  Order of Operations: To."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grammar

2   Every sentence needs two things to be complete: _________________ + _____________________ = a complete sentence  Order of Operations: To check, first look for the ________________ Next, find the _____________________ Then finally, see if the sentence makes sense! Quick Review

3   Clause: a clause is a complete sentence with a subject and a verb.  Predicate is sometimes used in place of VERB (I like verb).  Conjunctions: words that join together clauses. Remember them by FANBOYS- for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so Terms

4   The carpenter worked hard all morning. His assistant after lunch.  Ant farms are fascinating. The ants around in constant motion.  Our class went on a field trip. Mammoth Cave. Solution: Add a verb! Problem: No Verb

5   Martha asked about dinner. Hoped it was lasagna.  I jogged around the park twice. Was hot and tired afterward.  Li Cheng raced to the bus stop. Arrived just in the nick of time. Make a complete sentence by adding a subject! Problem: No Subject

6   I heard the laughter of the children. In the nursery.  After the spring rain. The whole house smelled fresh and clean.  The noisy chatter of the squirrels awakened us early. In the morning. Using your third step: check to see if it makes sense. If not, add a subject and verb to make a complete sentence. Problem: Missing BOTH

7  Frequent Run On Problems:  Two main clauses only separated by a comma.  Two main clauses with no punctuation between them.  Two main clauses with either no comma or no coordinating conjunction. Run On Sentences

8   Extra crackers are available, they are next to the salad bar.  Hurdles are Sam's specialty, he likes them best. A Comma isn’t Enough!

9   The law student studied hard she passed her exam  Kamil looked for the leash he found it in the closet Add Punctuation!

10   You can rollerskate like a pro but you cannot ice skate.  Julian gazed at the moon and he marveled at its brightness. Conjunction? Add a Comma.

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