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1 Dot Hill Confidential 3Y PSU Weekly KPI week 06 Presented by:XX Date: 20 Nov. 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Dot Hill Confidential 3Y PSU Weekly KPI week 06 Presented by:XX Date: 20 Nov. 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Dot Hill Confidential 3Y PSU Weekly KPI week 06 Presented by:XX Date: 20 Nov. 2011

2 2Dot Hill Confidential2 Measurement  Shortage & Build Plan (CTB)  Process Yield  RMA  ECR/ECO& Rev Change List  ORT&HASA PSU Weekly KPI

3 3Dot Hill Confidential3 The Gray is shipped The Green is planned to build and ship The pink is assumed to build, quantity need further confirmation. PSU Weekly KPI Shortage & Build Plan (CTB)


5 2015-11-172015-11-17 July 24, 2007 Dot Hill Confidential5 SMT yield Trend Trend chart – AOI and FQA Unavailable Next production schedule March

6 2015-11-172015-11-17 July 24, 2007 Dot Hill Confidential6 SMT Process Top Failure FACA FACA – AOI and FQA Unavailable Next production schedule March

7 2015-11-172015-11-17 July 24, 2007 Dot Hill Confidential7 Assembly – front end yield Trend Until before pre-test

8 2015-11-172015-11-17 July 24, 2007 Dot Hill Confidential8 Assembly front end -- Process Top Failure FACA Wave solder DPPM trend chart

9 2015-11-172015-11-17 July 24, 2007 Dot Hill Confidential9 Wave solder FA Analysis

10 Assembly – back end yield Trend

11 Assembly Backend – Test yield trend chart Defect Pareto

12 Defect corrective action

13 OBA 2015-11-172015-11-17 July 24, 2007 Dot Hill Confidential13

14 2015-11-172015-11-17 July 24, 2007 Dot Hill Confidential14 DPPM Trend chart OBA

15 2015-11-172015-11-17 July 24, 2007 Dot Hill Confidential15 Assembly – Final test yield Trend OBA failure tracking 日期 date 機型 model 批量 qty 抽樣數s抽樣數s 不良 數 def 不良描述 descr 不良原因 Failure analysis 改善措施 action 責任 單位 dept 2012 /1/5 GP.Y M- 3591 AAR 440501 均流測 試燈不 滅 Test current LED on 將 U405 IC 加錫後機台 橙色燈恢復正常橙燈 不滅是由於 IC U405 假 焊導致,屬 SMD 異常 U405 cold solder 1. 已將不良反饋各測試站作 員要求後續 100% 檢查燈不 的不良現象,各測試站均需 查此項避免不良再次流出 2. 此批返工檢查 Feedback to front end Work order 100% screen SMD prevention action -- TBD SMD

16 2015-11-172015-11-17 July 24, 2007 Dot Hill Confidential16 RMA

17 RMA trend DPPM and failure analysis –DC PSU

18 RMA defect analysis – DC PSU Remark : Randcmn defect no action required

19 RMA trend DPPM and failure analysis -- AC PSU

20 RMA defect analysis –AC PSU

21 2015-11-172015-11-17 July 24, 2007 Dot Hill Confidential21

22 22 PSU Weekly KPI

23 2015-11-172015-11-17 July 24, 2007 Dot Hill Confidential23 Production DFM

24 Production DFM review

25 25 PSU Weekly KPI ECO monitoring Remark : No EC as of year 2012

26 26 ORT – DH procedure still pend 3Y commit Current data is 3Y curretn test data for year 2012 Dot Hill Confidential PSU Weekly KPI

27 2015-11-172015-11-17 July 24, 2007 Dot Hill Confidential27 3Y improvement projects tracker Product partnumber : 1. 81-00000047-00-01 / CP-1401R2 2. 81-00000063 / YM-3591-AAR Projects : 1. Assembly front end a) AOI to replace manual inspection – target eval completion by end Feb b) Eliminate lead trimming Phase ! – component lead list, done 10th Jan Phase II – end Feb pend AOI eval c) ORT computer monitoring –end April d) Production DFM review –on-going e) Vibration test – pend Taiwan RD for spec finalisation – TBD, pend Roger Huang Phase 1– sampling, need define sampling plan – 1st Mar

28 28 THE END Thanks ! Dot Hill Confidential PSU Weekly KPI

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