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DON TIME. What is DON TIME? A time for students to get HELP with academics from their OWN teachers A time to COMMUNICATE with teachers about your grades.

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Presentation on theme: "DON TIME. What is DON TIME? A time for students to get HELP with academics from their OWN teachers A time to COMMUNICATE with teachers about your grades."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is DON TIME? A time for students to get HELP with academics from their OWN teachers A time to COMMUNICATE with teachers about your grades and to learn about other SUPPORT available on campus. A REWARD system for those who maintain A, B, or C grades in their classes.

3 A rotating schedule so that students will meet with each of their OWN teachers for one week or more out of every quarter. DON TIME is …

4 Revised 2014-2015 Bell Schedule 1 st Period 7:45 -8:35 2 nd Period 8:40 -9:30 3 rd Period9:35 -10:25 4 th Period announcements 10:30 - 11:25 DON TIME 11:30 -11:50 Lunch 11:50 -12:30 5 th Period 12:35 -1:25 6 th Period1:30 -2:20

5 The Week  Mondays: “Monday” = first day of week After 4 th period, go to your Don Time class (if this is a 4 th period week, then you stay in 4 th period). Teachers will check all grades for every student in the DT class and make a record of which students receive stickers for A’s, B’s, and C’s. If a student has no D’s or F’s in any class, the DT teacher will attach a sticker to the back of the student’s ID card, indicating that the student will be allowed into a common areas during DT for T-Th of the week.

6 If a student has no D’s or F’s in any class, the DT teacher will attach a sticker to the back of the student’s ID card, indicating that the student will be allowed into the common areas during DT for Tuesday - Thursday of the week. The Week  Mondays:

7 If you do not have your ID card on Monday, you do not get your sticker! If you are absent on Monday, you may get your sticker on Tuesday BEFORE Don Time. – If you go to your Don Time classroom at 11:25, and don’t get out of the building by 11:30, then you must stay in your DT classroom for the day. The Week  Monday

8 The Week  Tues. - Thurs: Students who did not receive a sticker must go to their Don Time classroom. Work with your DT teacher to improve your grades. – If you have a D or F in the Don Time class, then your first priority will be to work with that teacher to improve in that class. – If you have a D or F in another class, bring those materials to work on what is needed.

9 The Week  Tues. - Thurs: Students who are in the Don Time classes, conference with your teacher to learn what resources are available to help you on campus! Your teacher will be recording your attendance, grades, and conferencing so that we can track your progress and provide the support that you need.

10 The Week  Tues. - Thurs: Students who have the week’s colored sticker on their ID cards will have choice time prior to lunch on T/W/Th without reporting to the classroom first. Students must: – Report to one of the common areas on time – Have a visible ID with the week’s sticker – Show the sticker to any teacher, administrator or security guard who asks to see it

11 If you forget your ID, you must go back to your Don Time class that day! The Week  Tues. - Thurs:

12 Common Areas  Tues. - Thurs: Students with a Don Time sticker on their ID may be in the following areas: – Library Media Center – C104 Computer Lab – Gym – Outside cafeteria tables/courtyard area – College & Career Center

13 Important: Students should NEVER be in the halls during the 20-minute Don Time period on any day for any reason. Students will NOT be allowed to go to: o Bathroom, locker, or water fountain o Any other teacher’s room o Anywhere else

14 The Week  Fridays: Everyone meets back in the classroom The rest of the time is to be used at teacher’s discretion: o Additional work time o Connectedness activities / team-building o Re-teaching opportunity o Silent Sustained Reading

15 Student Responsibilities Have permanent ID at all times – A student without permanent ID w/ sticker MUST report to the DT period classroom Have agenda book & materials to work on during DT Report to appropriate place on time and stay there Commit to using DT to improve grades o Coursework o Reading o Study course materials


17 Students who have no D/F grades in any classes will each have a sticker placed on their IDs by the teacher. Once they have the sticker, those students do not have to go to the DT classroom Tu-Th (unless they forget their ID!) On Friday during Don Time, the student returns to the Studio Art classrooms. If the student has a D/F in any class (one or more), the student must go to English all week during Don Time. Period 1: English Period 2: Math Period 3: History Period 4: PE Don Time: Period 1 - English Lunch Period 5: Studio Art Period 6: Chemistry

18 Senior Don Time Responsibilities Seniors, please remember that Don Time exists as a support for you in your quest to GRADUATE! Here are the procedures for Seniors for Don Time. You are expected to attend DON TIME for all rotations for which you have class.

19 Seniors: Classes for periods 1-4 or 1-5 on campus and release time A senior who has release time must ALWAYS attend Don Time on at least Monday & Friday when the rotation is on any period for which he/she has a class. Tuesday-Thursday, the senior must still attend DT unless a sticker has been given by the DT teacher. These are required attendance days, and lunch detention will be given, regardless of release time status, if a student ditches Don Time. Students who have release time after 5th period must always attend periods 1-5 DT and will report to C104 on the rotations for which they don't have classes.

20 Seniors: Classes for periods 1-4 or 1-5 on campus and release time Example: Period 1 Don Time (student has release after 4 th period) Period 1: Chemistry Period 2: English IV Period 3: Government Period 4: Dance Don Time: Return to Period 1 Chemistry Release Time at 11:50 on Monday & Friday; Tuesday-Thursday depends on sticker. Example: Period 5 Don Time (student does not have 5 th or 6 th period class) Period 1: Chemistry Period 2: English IV Period 3: Government Period 4: Math Release Time at 11:50 on Monday & Friday; Tuesday-Thursday depends on sticker. Example: Period 6 Don Time when student has a 5 th period class Period 1: Late start Period 2: English IV Period 3: Government Period 4: Theater Don Time: Period 6 – go to Library Lunch Period 5: Weight training Release time after period 5.

21 Students who go to EVIT EVIT students do not attend Don Time Make sure to tell your period 1, 2, & 3 teachers that you go to EVIT so that they don’t mark you absent during Don Time!

22 Students who have late start or attend another campus for periods 1/2 Mondays: During Don Time for periods 1 & 2, go to room C104. – A staff member will check your grades. – If you have no D’s or F’s, you will receive a sticker and may go to any of the Common Areas Tu-Th. – If you have D’s or F’s, you will be required to return to C104 Tu-Th. Friday: Go to C104.

23 What if I have a sticker and can go to a common area on T-Th during Don Time, but I want to go see a different teacher for help or to do make-up work? No. The teacher will be working with his/her current Don Time period. There will be other opportunities for you to meet with your teacher.

24 What if I want to stay in my Don Time class (even if I don’t have to be there)? You are welcome to stay in your Don Time class as long as you: – get there by 11:25 (don’t be late) – work quietly!

25 What if I have a D in a class on Monday, but I raise my grade during the week? Great! That’s exactly what Don Time is for! Teachers only check grades on Monday Stay in your Don Time period Tuesday-Friday of that week. Keep improving! You’ve earned the right to celebrate your improvement during Don Time next week.

26 What happens if I choose to go to a common area when I am supposed to be in a class during Don Time?

27 Don Time teachers will take attendance every day; this will be reported to administration. If a teacher, administrator, or security guard asks to see your ID and you do not have the sticker, you will be escorted to a table in the cafeteria and will serve lunch detention there. Other consequences may apply.

28 What if my teacher is absent? Go to your Don Time class! A substitute teacher is always present for an absent teacher. If it is a Monday, go to Don Time as usual, and then report to Don Time on Tuesday to have your grades checked. If it is any other day of the week, the sub will have a record of who must attend Don Time and will take attendance as usual. Use your time wisely, anyway. This is about being committed to improving your grades!

29 I am a TA during a Don Time Period. Where do I go? Go to the correct period in your class schedule, even for the TA period. The teachers will check the TA’s grades, too. Same rules for DT celebration or staying in the classroom Tu-Th will apply. Remember, the point of Don Time is that we want to support all of our students academically every week!

30 Benefits of DON TIME You are receiving extended coursework time, and more one-on-one time with your teachers – we want our students to be successful in their classes. This is a positive incentive plan for students – students are rewarded (free time in the common areas) for maintaining good grades or for improving their grades. You get a chance to celebrate your success!

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